Interactions » Member Reviews
Member Reviews in the Admin
The new member reviews module provides an easier user experience, making it easy to manage incoming reviews submitted by the website users.
There are options to filter:
- Review Status
- Filter by overall Rating
- Search by Date Range
- Filter by Keyword
Review Status Database Values
For Developers: The corresponding values below are how review statuses are saved in the database.
- Pending = 0
- Accepted = 2
- Declined = 3
- Waiting for Admin = 4
The option to select all reviews and bulk change their status is also possible:
Member Review Settings
On the same page, a quick link to edit the review settings is also available. This module allows users to edit the General Settings for reviews, profiles, search results design, and notifications.
This button will open the review settings module which is very similar to the Post Settings section of the admin. An in-depth overview of this module can be reviewed at the following link: Edit Post Settings
The main difference from other post type settings is the Notifications tab, where it is possible to enable or disable the following email notifications:
Admin Notifications:
- Notify Admin when review submitted?: When enabled it will send the admin-review-notification Email Template to the Default Website Email address when a review is submitted.
Member Notifications:
- Notify Member when they receive a review?: Turning on this setting will send the recommendation-member Email Template to the member's email address when they receive a review. Please note this does not apply if admin needs to manually approve review.
- Notify the Admin that a review has been responded to?: Turning on this setting will the recommendation-admin-replied Email Template to the Admin after a review has received a reply from a member.
Submitter Notifications:
- Notify the submitter of a review that it has been received?: Sends the recommendation-visitor Email Template to the submitter of a review after it has been received.
- Notify the submitter of a review that it has been approved?: Sends the recommendation-accepted Email Template to the submitter of a review after it has been published.
- Notify the submitter of a review that it has been responded to?: Sends the recommendation-submitter-replied Email Template to the submitter of a review after it has received a reply from the member.
Review Module
- Review ID.
- Actions drop-down. (Explained below)
- Date the review was submitted.
- IP Address of the review submitter. It can be blocked if it ends up being a SPAM submission.
- Quick Edit options for the member:
This section will allow the admin edit or delete the review submitted:
- Edit review: While we do not recommend editing reviews, the option is there for all directory owners to control what gets published on the website.
- Delete review: One can quickly delete any undesired review on the website.
Review Details
The last section of this module includes the details of the review:
This would include:
- Status
- Rating Overview
- Title
- Full review
- Name of the review submitter
- Email of the review submitter
From here the status of the review can be changed manually:
If the status is changed manually, 4 new options will show up:
- Do not send email notifications
- Email Member about this update
- Email Reviewer about this update
- Email Member and Reviewer about this update
Member Reviews on the Profiles
Reviews can be left for the member's profiles using the "Write a Review" button:
Which will open up the Reviews form:
This form opens using the default URL: /writeareview :
Update Reviews URL
To change this default URL go to:
Settings > Advanced Settings > Default Member Review URL:
If the option for Image Upload With Reviews is enabled in the Membership Plan > Profile Page:

The user will get to a second screen that allows them to upload images:
All reviews are then shown in the "Reviews" tab and the star rating is shown above the "Write a Review" button. Reviews are displayed allowing one decimal place for review totals:
Reviews will have their designated search results page /reviews where visitors can check all the reviews that have been submitted to the site:
As well, visitors can click directly on the overall rating to view all the reviews for the member:
The date format showing on the reviews search results page will correspond to the one selected under Settings » General Settings » Localization: