Troubleshooting: Member Category Search Result Issues


Important Note: This is a continuation of the Member Search Result Issues Overview article hence we highly recommend our users go over the original article before diving into specific search result issues.

How to Conduct a Category Search

Category searches can be conducted from any search module that offers a keyword search field:

How To Troubleshoot Category Search Issues

If a category search has been conducted and expected members are not appearing in the search result, here are a few things to check that might play a role in this:

- Check If The Member Selected The Searched Category

This may sound simple, but in instances where the expected member is not appearing on a category search result, the first thing to check would be if the member already selected the category.

For example, down below, we conduct a Top Level (Education) + Sub Level (Colleges & Universities) Category search but no members are appearing on this result:

If we navigate to My Members >> Member Categories and check the Colleges & Universities sub-level category, we can see that currently there are no members in this category:

If we login as a member and select this category:

The same search result page will start displaying this member as a result:

If a category search has been conducted and unexpected members are appearing in the search result, here are a few things to check that might play a role in this:

- Check If The Member Is Listed In All Sub-Level Categories

If unexpected members are appearing in the category search result, it is a good practice to check if the Max. Sub-Level Categories Member Can Select setting is set to "all" for the membership plan, which will list them under all available sub-level categories:

Important Note: The "all" sub-level categories refer to all available sub and sub-sub level categories of the top-level category the member selected. The member would not be listed under other sub and sub-sub level categories that are under different top-level categories.