Connecting Site To Cloudflare


Use these steps to connect the directory website to Cloudflare.

1. Create the account with Cloudflare and select "Cloudflare for Infrastructure":

2. Add the domain:

3. Select the Free version:

4. Hit "Continue":

5. On a different browser tab log in to the domain registrar and access the DNS of the domain, remove the Nameservers.

The image below is an example from Godaddy:

6. Cloudflare is going to provide the new Nameservers to add on the DNS on the domain registrar, in this case these were provided for this example, enter both records, click on "Save".


7. On Automatic HTTPS Rewrites select Toggle Off: 

8. On Always Use HTTPS toggle off.

11.  Summary: Hit "Finish".

12. Go in and make sure that these settings are not enabled in Cloudflare:

  • Speed >> Optimization >> Content Optimization: Disable Rocket Loader

  • Scrape Shield >> Disable Hotlink Protection

  • Rules >> Transform Rules >> Managed Transforms >> Disable "Add Security Headers"

13. The process is now complete!