Email Template Variables


This is the list of the available variables used within the system, they are divided into 3 categories:

  1. Member Variables
  2. Post Variables
  3. Website Variables 
  4. Invoice Variable

Member Variables

User ID  %user_id%
First Name  %first_name%
Last Name    %last_name%
Phone Number%phone_number%
Address 1  %address1%
Address 2%address2%
City    %city%
Zip Code%zip_code% 

State Code  %state_code%
State Ln%state_ln%
Country Code%country_code%
Country Ln  %country_ln%
Website  %website%
Blog Link  %blog%
Subscription ID  %subscription_id%
Member Profile URL%filename%
Signup Date  %signup_date%

Signup Date Formatted  %signup_date_format%
Last Login    %last_login%
Profession ID  %profession_id%
Verified  %verified% 
Listing Type%listing_type%

Membership Plan Name%subscription_name%
Previous Membership Plan Name%previous_subscription_name%

User ID: ascending numeric value link to a member of the directory.   

First Name: first name of the directory member

Last Name: last name of the directory member

Email: email associated with the directory member's listing

Company: company name of the directory member, will be used by the system if the listing is set to Company

Phone Number: primary phone number associated with the directory listing. 

Address 1: main location associated with the directory listing. 

Address 2: extra space for the main location address. 

City: city associated with the directory listing

Zip Code: zip code associated with the directory listing's address.

State Code: 2 letter state code associated with the directory listing's address. 

State Ln: longitude associated with the directory listing's address. 

Country Code: 2 letter country code associated with the directory listing's address. 

Country Ln: longitude associated with the listing's country.

Website: link to the directory listing's website.

Blog Link: link to the directory listing's blog

Subscription ID: membership plan associated with the directory listing.

Member Profile URL: link to the directory listing. 

Active: directory listing's status. 

Signup Date: the date the directory listing was created from the front end.

Signup Date Formatted: format used for the signup date variable.

Last Login: last login date to the directory listing

Position: position represented by the owner of the directory listing. 

Profession ID: top-level category selected by the owner of the directory listing.

Verified: whether or not the listing has been manually verified. 

Nation Wide: whether or not the directory listing provides services nationwide.

Listing Type: directory listings can be set to represent individuals or companies.

Membership Plan Name: the member's current membership level.

Previous Membership Plan Name: the member's previous membership plan name. Can only be used in upgrade email templates for reference. Example usage:

Post Variables

Multi-Image Post Title%group_name%

Multi-Image Post Title: the title of a Digital Product.

Website Variables

Website Name   %website_name%
Website Domain  %website_url%
http(s) + Domain  %protocol_website_url%
Website Logo%website_logo%
Website Email  %website_email%
Website Phone  %website_phone%
Country   %country%
Profession  %profession%
Industry  %industry%
LinkedIn Link%linkedin%

Twitter Link%twitter%
Instagram Link%instagram%
Facebook Link%facebook_page%
Pinterest Link%pinterest%
Google Plus Link  %google_profile%
Youtube Link%youtube%
Pinterest Link  %pinterest%
Instagram  %instagram%
Origin URL%url_origin%

Website Name: name added to the website name field in General Settings

Website Domain: domain name added through the domain manager. 

http(s) + Domain: SSL status of the domain, if the site's SSL is active, the variable will use the correct protocol. 

Website Logo: the path to the logo image of the site. 

Website Email: email address to the email address field in General Settings. 

Website Phone: phone number added to the phone number field in General Settings

Country: primary location added to the General Settings.

Profession: profession added to the profession field in General Settings. 

Industry: industry added to the industry field in General Settings

LinkedIn Link: LinkedIn account associated with the website.

Twitter Link: Twitter account associated with the website

Instagram Link: Instagram account associated with the website 

Facebook Link: Facebook account associated with the website

Pinterest Link: Pinterest account associated with the website   

Google Plus Link: Google account associated with the website   

Youtube Link: Youtube account associated with the website
Currency: currency added to General Settings
Distance: format used for distances.
Instagram: Instagram account associated with the website

Origin URL: where was the message generated. 

Invoice Variables

Invoice Number    %invoice_id%
Membership Plan  %invoice_product_name%
Invoice Due Date%invoice_due_date%
Invoice Date Paid%invoice_date_paid%
Invoice Status  %invoice_status%
Billing Cycle   %invoice_billing_cycle%
Promo Code%invoice_promo_desc%
Invoice Total   %invoice_total%
Invoice PDF Link%invoice_pdf_link%


Invoice Number: numeric value of the invoice.

Membership Plan: membership plan associated with the directory listing. 

Invoice Due Date: date set for invoice to be billed. 

Invoice Date Paid: date the invoice was paid. 

Invoice Status: status of the invoice. 

Billing Cycle: type of cycle that's being paid for. 

Promo Code: if there is any promo code used in the invoice.

Invoice Total: total to be paid in the invoice.

Invoice PDF Link: link to download the PDF version of the invoice.