In-Depth Look Into Each Form Field Type
What Are Field Types?
The "Field Type" is a setting within the forms that determine how that field will display on the front-end version of the form.
Field types can be found under Edit View for any form:
Select Fields
To add options to the checkbox field, click on Add Option:
And specify the options display name and Database Variable name (database variable will be automatically created but can be edited if needed):
Front-end view:
Drop-down List:
The same logic discussed for Checkboxes field type can be implemented for Drop-down List field type as well:
Front-end view:
Multiple Choice Radios:
The same logic discussed for Checkboxes field type can be implemented for Multiple Choice Radios field type as well:
Yes or No:
Important Note: For all Select type fields (Checkboxes, Radio Buttons, Drop-down Lists), when performing a keyword search on the site, the system will search for the content saved in the field label.
Text Inputs
Custom HTML:
Email Address:
Section Title:
Important Note: Required Field and Database Variable settings are not needed for this field type hence they are hidden.
Submit Form Button:
Important Note #1: Required Field and Database Variable settings are not needed for this field type hence they are hidden.
Important Note #2: We highly recommend using pre-built button classes available. Please refer to this 3rd party article down below that explains each class in-depth:
In the example above, we added btn btn-danger as this fields CSS class for the button to display nicely
Text - Single Line:
Textarea - Paragraph:
Website URL:
Fancy Fields
File Upload Field:
IMPORTANT - The tool only supports:
- Files that are 10 MB or less
- By default, we only support this field in the "Listing - Additional Details - Member" form. However, it can be used on any form if you have the "File Uploads For Forms" add-on.
Additional Information:
>> How to Use and or Modify the Member Upload CV or Brochure Field
Froala Text Editors:
- Froala Text Editor - Basic
- Froala Text Editor - Image Upload
- Froala Text Editor - Image Upload + Pre-Made Elements
- Froala Text Editor - Access Media Manager
Find all the information about them here: FROALA Text Editor: Versions and their Upload Functionalities
Country List:
Date Picker:
Calendar - Date & Time Picker:
Help Alert Box:
Important Note: Required Field and Database Variable settings are not needed for this field type hence they are hidden.
Hidden Field:
This will hide this form field on the front-end:
Security - Honeypot field:
This field is necessary on each form to avoid spam.
Phone Number:
Country Code + Phone Number:
To edit the country code options that show up on the front end, we have an advanced setting called "Phone Country Codes":
In order to edit the country options, please go to Settings >> Advanced Settings >> Phone Country Codes.
To remove a country code, just need to click on the "x" next to it:
- To change the order of the country codes just need to drag and drop to the new order.
- To add a country code again once it is removed from the list just need to click on the "+" sign.
- By default, the system will show two letters per country code. If this needs to be changed, please keep in mind that adding more than two letters can break the CSS code and it might not look good on the front end.
Security - Google reCaptcha:
State List:
Top Category List:
To include a Start and End date for the Years field, access Settings >> Advanced Settings, look for: Years Field Type