Unsubscribing from the Newsletter

Link: https://support.brilliantdirectories.com/support/solutions/articles/12000003210-unsubscribing-from-the-newsletter

Every email sent through the Brilliant Directories platform must include a link that allows recipients to opt out of the website's mailing list. When this link is clicked, the email recipient will be directed to the website with the "/unsubscribe" extension appended to the URL. 

For instance, find this link at http://www.demobootstrap.com/unsubscribe.

The email recipient will be automatically placed in the "unsubscribed" list to cease receiving emails from the website. 

Each email that is added to the unsubscribe list will show in the View Contacts: 

It is possible to sort unsubscribes by using the Sort Order Filter, the options are:

  • Order by Newest First
  • Order by Oldest First

**Important note: This functionality is part of the Export Member Data addon, to purchase this add-on: Export Member Data

To export Unsubscribe contacts, hover over the Unsubscribe Actions and select "Export Unsubscribers."

To manually add an email address to the Unsubscribe List, select Add to Unsubscribe List +

Insert the email address into the Valid Email Address field, then proceed by clicking on the "Add Email Addresses" button.

Please note: This will not remove the email from the mailing list. If someone that is tagged as a silver member, they will still show on the silver member email list. By being added to the unsubscribe list, the newly unsubscribed member will be skipped at the time the email campaign gets sent out. 

Edit the Unsubscribed Webpage

To make changes to the Unsubscribed Webpage,  to My Content >> Webpage Builder >> Unsubscribed Page:


>> Everything About Froala WYSIWYG Text Editor

If the page is not available, navigate to the Dashboard and look for the INSTALL NEW UPDATES module. 

Click on "Check For Updates" and locate the Email Unsubscribed Page Installer and click the "Install" button: