Member Leads

How to Remove the Leads/Send Message Links from the Website
This article will go over how to remove the leads/send message links from the website. First, we are going to remove the ability to receive messages/lea...
How To Send SMS Notifications To Members When They Receive a Lead
Overview Members of sites receive an email notification whenever they receive a lead through a Brilliant Directories website.  But depending on the indu...
The Email Variables Used with the Leads Module
The following variables power the Basic Lead Module, and can be used when creating custom lead emails.  Important note: Always add three "%" ...
Create Lead Magnet Landing Page
Lead Magnets are great to capture potential client's email addresses and other information.  In this example, we will create a page for people to gain ...
Smart List & Export Functionality for Leads
Overview This functionality allows site admins to Export Leads and create Smart Lists for the website.  To start the process of creating a Smart Lis...
Managing Leads From A Member's Perspective
Three actions can be taken with leads: Purchase a Lead Accept a Free Lead Decline a Lead Purchasing Leads Please find all the relevant infor...