Settings » General Settings » Social Media Tab


This article reviews links for the Social Media accounts for the website,  members and visitors will be able to access the full spectrum of profiles available for the website and it helps link the social media world to the website

Social Media Accounts

Below is a full list of the Social Media accounts linked to the website.  

Important note: The system will ask for absolute URLs. For example:

Visual Guide of the Social Media Links tab

1. Facebook

Add a link to the website's facebook account using the following format: 

2. Twitter

Add a link to the website's Twitter account using the following format:

3. LinkedIn

Add a link to the website's LinkedIn account using the following format:

4. Pinterest

Add a link to the website's Pinterest account using the following format:

5. Instagram

Add a link to the website's Instagram account using the following format:

6. Youtube

Add a link to the website's Youtube account using the following format:

7. RSS Feed

Add a link to the website's RSS feed using the following format:

8. Tik Tok

Add a link to the website's TikTok account using the following format: 

9. Whatsapp

Add a link to the website's WhatsApp account using the following format:

10. Snapchat

Add a link to the website's Snapchat accout using the following format:

Where Do These Links Appear?

Inside the Footer Menu of the website: