Changelog - February 2025
New Features:
- Added two new Member Review Settings: "Notify the Admin that a review has been responded to?" and "Notify the submitter of a review that it has been responded to?". The former controls the sending of an email to the Admin after a member replies to a review, and the latter controls the sending of an email to the review submitter after a member replies.
- Expanded the Brilliant Directories API to support search functionality for Member Reviews, Single-Image Post Types, and Multi-Photo Post Types.
Enhancements / Fixes:
- The Brilliant Directories app in Zapier was updated to use clearer labels when creating and updating member reviews.
- The Froala Editor was updated to the newest version.
- Auto-pluralization logic is now disabled when a language other than English is selected in the default website language setting.
- An issue that prevented the 301 redirect logic from working properly in some cases was fixed.
- Post images for multi-image Post Types can now be imported by sending the auto_image_import parameter when updating members via API.
- The Member Category logic was updated to remove any selected Sub Categories after a member changes their Top Category .
- An issue that prevented schema markup for community articles and blog posts from working properly when the Post Title contained double or single quotes was fixed.
- Updating a member via API is now logged in the Activity Tracker.
- The action of creating, customizing, updating, or deleting an Email Template is now logged in the Activity Tracker.
- An issue that prevented member variables from being populated in the business-listing-verified Email Template after submitting the "Listing - Verify Account" form on the Member Dashboard was fixed.
- The "Bookmark My Favorites" Add-On was updated to prevent inactive members from favoriting other members and posts.
- A security update was released for the Billing Information page in the Member Dashboard.
- An issue that prevented the Business Data Import tool from working properly in some cases was fixed.
- We updated the Brilliant Directories App in Zapier to add the ability to send email notifications after updating the status of a member review.
- We updated the Transaction History page in the Admin to display additional information (name, email address, and member ID) for deleted members.
- We fixed an issue that prevented the "Preview" Email Template feature from working with the Email Template Translation functionality in some cases.
- We fixed an issue that prevented the "Subject" of email templates from being translated after sending an email in some cases.
- We fixed an issue that prevented the Credits History page from working properly on the Member Dashboard in some cases.
- We fixed an issue that prevented the system from returning accurate results after performing a location search for "Taipei, Taiwan" on the frontend of sites.
- We fixed an issue that prevented Vimeo video thumbnails from being displayed on the frontend of sites in some cases.
- We updated the "Member Credit System" Add-On to apply a member's credits when manually creating a paid subscription for that member from the Admin.
- We fixed an issue that prevented the "Delete Unused Image" tool in the Admin from working properly in some cases.
- We fixed an issue that prevented the Google Sitemap Generator Add-On from working properly in some cases.
- Fixed an issue affecting file name search on the Media Manager page in the Admin.
- Implemented emoji support across the platform.
- Fixed an issue preventing image uploads to Multi-Photo Post Types in some cases.
- Fixed an issue preventing the Briliant Directories API from searching for custom values in some cases.
- Implemented improvements to the RazorPay Payment Gateway.
- Updated the system to prevent Newsletter Statistics from being affected by member deletions.
- Updated the Email Outbox page in the Admin to display the reason an email was not sent in the "Activity" column.
- Updated the "Members Updated Via Admin" Webhook to send both old and new data to the webhook endpoint.
- Updated the "Member Plan Changed" Webhook to send all member data to the webhook endpoint when a member upgrades their account from the Member Dashboard.
- Updated all member webhooks to use the "email" key instead of "user_email".
- Fixed an issue preventing the %member_lead_match_link% and %lead_id% email variables from working when manually matching members with leads in the Admin.
- Fixed an issue preventing the "Click to View Your Profile" button from working on the "user-approved-by-admin" Email Template in some cases.
- Fixed an issue causing extra line breaks when rendering the %%%details%%% email variable in email templates.
- The "Bootstrap Theme - Display - Events Calendar" widget is now available in the Sidebar Manager page in the Admin.
- Resolved an issue preventing the countries header accordion from functioning correctly on the /locations page when country names contained special characters.
- Corrected an issue where Date Picker fields failed to operate when the "Allow Selecting a Post Start/Publish Date in the Past" Advanced Setting was disabled.
- Implemented minor bug fixes and enhancements to the Import Business Data tool in the Admin.
- Updated the Update and Create Reviews API endpoints to be compatible with the "Reviews with Photos" Add-On.
- Fixed an issue where the Google Sitemap Generator Add-On generated invalid URLs when filenames contained special characters.
- Made several improvements to the Setup Wizard modal on the Dashboard page in the Admin.
- Deactivated the Google Search Assist Add-On for all "Search" API endpoint responses.
- Introduced a new set of CSS classes for alerts, badges, and label HTML tags for the frontend of sites.
- Improved image upload performance through the Froala WYSIWYG editor.
- Added a new text label, "Claim Listing Icon," to allow customization of the claim listing icon on member profile pages.
- Resolved an issue preventing the "Migrate City - Zip Code Service Areas" installer from functioning correctly when run from the Installer Module on the Admin Dashboard page.
- Corrected an issue where the Reviews "Overall Rating" link failed to work in the Recent Members homepage widget.
- In all, over 70 feature enhancements and software updates were released this month.