Member Export Fields Overview
Below is a breakdown of the essential data fields that are used for creating and managing listings within the system.
There are 84 default export fields:
With new, custom fields, also being added to the export fields list:
These fields ensure that each listing is represented accurately and comprehensively, capturing both personal and professional details as well as social media and business information. Here's a detailed explanation for each field in the listings data.
Listing & Company Import Fields
The table includes various columns designed to capture all the necessary information for a comprehensive listing. These columns help build a detailed profile that encompasses both personal identifiers and business-related data. These also ensure that users can interact with, locate, and learn about the profiles in an organized manner.
- listing_type: The type of listing, such as business or individual.
- logo: URL of the logo associated with the listing.
- profile_photo: URL of the profile photo of the listing.
- first_name: The first name of the individual associated with the listing.
- last_name: The last name of the individual associated with the listing.
- name: The full name of the individual or business.
- email: The email address for the listing.
- company: The name of the company associated with the listing.
- phone_number: The best contact phone number for the listing.
- fax_number: The fax number for the listing.
- address1: Primary street address.
- address2: Secondary street address, if applicable.
- city: The city where the listing is located.
- zip_code: The postal or ZIP code for the listing.
- state_code: Two-letter abbreviation of the state.
- country_code: Two-letter abbreviation of the country.
- country_name: Full name of the country, if applicable.
- website: The URL of the listing's website.
- twitter: Full URL of the listing’s Twitter account.
- facebook: Full URL of the listing’s Facebook page.
- linkedin: Full URL of the listing’s LinkedIn profile.
- youtube: Full URL of the listing’s YouTube account.
- instagram: Full URL of the listing’s Instagram account.
- pinterest: Full URL of the listing’s Pinterest account.
- snapchat: Full URL of the listing’s Snapchat account.
- tiktok: Full URL of the listing’s TikTok account.
- whatsapp: Full international phone number link for WhatsApp.
- blog: Full URL of the listing’s external blog, if applicable.
- quote: A short quote that represents the listing, suitable for social media.
- experience: The year the listing's career or business began.
- affiliation: Any associations the listing is a part of.
- awards: Any awards received by the business or individual in the listing.
- published: Any publications where the listing has been featured.
- education: Additional education information related to the listing.
- software: Any software used by the business or individual in the listing.
- about_me: General information about the listing that doesn't fit into other categories.
- password: The password used by the member to log in to the system.
- position: The title of the individual represented in the listing.
- profession_name: The top-level profession category the listing belongs to.
- services: Sub-level services associated with the listing, separated by commas.
- google_plus: Full URL of the Google Plus page associated with the listing.
- search_description: A short description that appears in search results.
- parent_id: ID of the parent member if the listing is a sub-account.
- lat: The latitude of the listing's location, used in Google Maps.
- lon: The longitude of the listing's location, used in Google Maps.
- verified: Type "1" if the listing is verified, leave blank if not verified.
More information: How To Import Members Via CSV File
Listing & Company Export Fields
These fields are additional attributes that are included in the export file to provide a more detailed profile. These capture various elements ranging from personal details to social media presence and business information.
- about_me: A section that provides a brief description or biography of the listing.
- active: Indicates whether the listing is currently active (1 for active, 0 for inactive).
- address1: The primary street address of the listing.
- address2: The secondary street address, if applicable.
- affiliation: Any associations or networks the listing is part of.
- awards: Awards that the individual or business associated with the listing has received.
- bitly: Shortened URL generated using Bitly for the listing, if applicable.
- blog: URL of the external blog associated with the listing.
- city: The city where the listing is located.
- company: The name of the company associated with the listing.
- country_code: Two-letter abbreviation of the country where the listing is located.
- country_ln: Full name of the country where the listing is located, if needed.
- cover_photo: URL of the cover photo associated with the listing.
- credentials: Professional credentials or certifications held by the individual or company in the listing.
- cv: URL or link to the listing's CV or resume, if available.
- email: The email address associated with the listing.
- experience: The number of years or start year of experience for the business or individual.
- facebook: Full URL of the Facebook profile or page associated with the listing.
- facebook_id: Facebook ID associated with the listing, if applicable.
- featured: Indicates if the listing is featured (1 for featured, 0 for not featured).
- filename: The filename of any uploaded files related to the listing.
- first_name: The first name of the individual associated with the listing.
- full_filename: The complete filename, including path, for the uploaded file related to the listing.
- gmap: URL or link to the Google Maps location for the listing.
- google_id: Google account ID associated with the listing, if applicable.
- instagram: Full URL of the Instagram profile associated with the listing.
- last_login: The date and time of the most recent login for the listing’s account.
- last_name: The last name of the individual associated with the listing.
- lat: The latitude coordinate for the listing's location, used in mapping tools.
- linkedin: Full URL of the LinkedIn profile associated with the listing.
- listing_type: The type or category of the listing (e.g., individual or company).
- logo_url: URL of the logo associated with the listing.
- lon: The longitude coordinate for the listing's location, used in mapping tools.
- modtime: The last time the listing was modified or updated.
- nationwide: Indicator of whether the listing operates nationwide (1 for yes, 0 for no).
- no_geo: Indicator if geographic information is disabled for the listing (1 for yes, 0 for no).
- password: Not shown, as passwords are encrypted.
- phone_number: The primary contact phone number for the listing.
- pinterest: Full URL of the Pinterest account associated with the listing.
- position: The job title or position of the individual associated with the listing.
- profession_name: The top-level category or profession associated with the listing.
- profile_url: URL to the profile page of the listing.
- quote: A short, engaging quote to represent the listing on social media or search results.
- ref_code: A referral code associated with the listing for tracking purposes.
- rep_matters: Any reputation matters or issues associated with the listing, if applicable.
- search_description: A short description that appears in search engine results for the listing.
- seo_page_description_hidden: The hidden SEO meta description for the listing's page.
- seo_page_keywords_hidden: Hidden SEO keywords for the listing’s page.
- seo_page_title_hidden: The hidden SEO title for the listing’s page.
- services: A comma-separated list of services provided by the individual or company in the listing.
- service_areas: A comma-separated list of all service areas will be included in parenthesis and will be comma separated.
- signup_date: The date the listing was created or registered in the system.
- state_code: Two-letter abbreviation of the state where the listing is located.
- state_ln: The full name of the state where the listing is located.
- subscription_id: The ID associated with the listing's subscription.
- token: A unique security token associated with the listing for verification or authentication purposes.
- total_paid_invoices: The total number of paid invoices associated with the listing.
- total_pastdue_invoices: The total number of past-due invoices for the listing.
- total_refunded_invoices: The total number of refunded invoices for the listing.
- twitter: Full URL of the Twitter profile associated with the listing.
- user_consent: Indicator of whether the user has given consent for their data (1 for yes, 0 for no).
- user_id: The unique ID of the user associated with the listing.
- verified: Indicates if the listing has been verified (1 for verified, 0 for not verified).
- website: The URL of the website associated with the listing.
- work_experience: A description of the work experience of the individual or company in the listing.
- youtube: Full URL of the YouTube account associated with the listing.
- zip_code: The postal or ZIP code for the listing's location.
More information: Export Member Data
If there is a particular field not currently on the list, contact our support team for additional information.