Changelog - May 2022



New Features:

  • We added the ability to set the Statement Descriptor on credit card statements when editing the payment gateway credentials for Stripe in the Admin.

  •  We created a new setting for the Express Member Registration Add-On called "Start with Express Registration Tab Selected". Enabling this setting will display the signup form first instead of the login form when the "Express Sign Up Membership Plan" setting is active.

  • We created a new Advanced Setting called "Skip Image Size Warning for Profile Photos and Logo". Enabling this setting will skip the warning displayed to members when they upload a profile photo or logo that is smaller than the recommended size.

  • We created a new One-Click Google Login setting called "Plugin Name". This field is mandatory when setting up a new Google login app on the site. To use this new setting, navigate to the Admin >> Settings >> General Settings >> Integrations >> Google Developers section.

  • We added the ability to delete files uploaded using the File Uploads for Forms Add-On.  Files can now be deleted from from the Member Leads, Member Reviews, and Form Inquiries pages in the Admin.

  • We created a new Website Setting called "Time Format". Admins can use this setting to choose between a 12H or 24H Time Format to be used on the frontend of the website. To use this new setting, navigate to the Admin >> Settings >> General Settings >> Localization tab. 

Enhancements / Fixes:

  • The Account Dashboard page in the Admin is now compatible with the "Admin Account View" Advanced Setting.

  • We added a "Select All" button when performing a search on the Manage Posts and Member Leads pages in the Admin.

  • We updated the logic of the checkout pages in order to make the country and state chained dropdowns work with form autofill tools enabled in the browser.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from exporting Smart Lists from the Admin in some cases.

  • We removed the canonical link for ?page=1 on member and post search result pages as it was redundant.

  • We updated the Lead Match page in the Admin in order to display a help message when members are skipped as suggested matches for leads due to their email address being @ the domain of the website, indicating they are not real members.

  • We updated the logic of the "Display Categories with No Members" Advanced Setting to only display categories that have members who are "Active" and whose "Are These Members Searchable on the Website?" Membership Plan setting is set to "Yes".

  • We implemented several security updates to prevent XSS injections on checkout pages.

  • We fixed an issue with the Member Profile Analytics Add-On which was causing the system to log interactions with the wrong name in some cases.

  • We updated the layout of the Smart Lists page in the Admin to display the date and time a Smart List was created.

  • The selection of categories on the Additional Details tab in the Member Dashboard area is now compatible with the "Required" form field setting.

  • The delete member action in the Admin will now trigger the "Members Imported / Added / Updated / Deleted Via Admin" Webhook.

  • We improved the "Random" member search results order logic.

  • We updated the Google Website Translator Add-On in order to load the JS files after the rest of the page loads. This will help to reduce the load time of pages and increase scores in 3rd party tools like GTMetrix and Google Pagespeed.

  • We updated the "Members Imported / Added / Updated / Deleted Via Admin" Webhook in the Admin to include the user_id variable when sending data to the webhook.

  • We updated the Simple Events Calendar Add-On to only show events from members who are "Active" on the site.

  • We fixed an issue with the Select2 Dropdown on mobile devices which was causing browsers to display the mobile keyboard after selecting an option from the dropdown in some cases.

  • We updated the "Members Imported / Added / Updated / Deleted Via Admin" Webhook in the Admin to include the user_action variable when sending data to the webhook.

  • We  fixed a UI issue when editing the Listings Post Type in the Admin.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing Admins from creating support tickets from the Admin in some cases.

  • We deprecated the website_layouts database table which previously stored Design Settings values. The website_design_settings table will store these values moving forward.

  • We fixed an issue which preventing SMS 3rd Party Notification email from being sent when manually matching leads to members in the Admin.

  • The "Price Field" field type is now compatible with the Events Post Type.

  • The name of the days of the week in the Simple Events Calendar Add-On are now manually editable through Text Labels.

  • We fixed an issue with the display of Vimeo video thumbnails on the frontend of sites.

  • We updated the layout of the Specialties tab on member profile pages to center-align the name of sub-sub level categories when viewed on mobile devices.

  • We updated the Search Members page in the Admin to keep the search criteria selected after deleting members.

  • We  fixed an issue which was causing the system to display the "Install Form Spam Security" update in the "Install New Updates" module on the Admin Dashboard after following the instructions in the ReCaptcha "Website Alert" in the Admin.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from creating Multi-Image posts when the name of the Post Type contained an apostrophe.

  • We updated the meta robots tag of the frontend of sites to include attributes that support image and video previews on Google and Bing search result pages.

  • We created a new Text Label that displays at the top of the page after a member creates a new Multi-Photo Post from the Member Dashboard.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the "Complete/Incomplete Profiles" search criteria from working properly in the Admin in some cases.

  • We updated the Member Reviews functionality to make the "Get copy of member review Email" Advanced Setting compatible with the "Hide Reviews Star Rating Options" Membership Plan setting.

  • We implemented several security updates to prevent XSS injections on the frontend of sites.

  • The invoice_pdf_link email variable will now work with either 1 or 3 "%" symbols when called in email templates.

  • We updated the Member Login form to add support for the "Security - Google reCaptcha" form field type.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the system to display an empty space at the top of pages when viewed on mobile devices if the "Public Visitor Main Menu" Design Setting was set to "Hide Menu".

  • We optimized the SQL query used when searching members to speed up the loading time of member search results pages on the frontend of sites.

  • We updated the layout of the "Country Code + Phone Number" form field type to display the flag and phone code of each country in the dropdown.

  • We updated the Activity Tracker to log when a Sidebar is added or saved in the Admin.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the system to display the "Install Form Spam Security" update in the "Install New Updates" module on the Admin Dashboard after running the installer in some cases.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing members from saving descriptions for images in multi-image Post Types after the Post URL Structure was updated for the Post Type in some cases.

  • We cleaned up the formatting of the data sent through the "One-Time Purchase" and "Member Plan Cancelled" webhooks.

  • We updated the Account Dashboard in the Admin to display all tickets submitted by the Site Admin (it was previously limited to the 30 most recent tickets).

  • The images displayed in the album slider on Post Details pages for multi-image Post Types are now compatible with the "Front-End Optimization: Use Content Delivery Network (CDN) for Images" Advanced Setting.

  • The  Froala WYSIWYG now allows backslashes "\" to be included in their content.

  • We fixed a Javascript error which was appearing when the "Express Sign Up Membership Plan" setting was active and the "Member - Login Form" was customized on a site.

  • We updated the Admin Dashboard to check the Admin's IP when they log in and whitelist it in the website's server firewall if it was blocked.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing Admins from changing the Field Type of an existing field in the Form Manager to "File Upload Field" in some cases.

  • We fixed an issue with the "Order Results By" setting for Events which was causing the "Start Date" options to work backwards when the Auto-Recurring Events Add-On is active on the site.

  • We updated the logic of the Export Member Data Add-On in order to support special characters in custom fields when exporting files.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing members from cloning posts from the Member Dashboard when their post limit was reached and they had the ability to purchase an additional post using the Pay Per Post Add-On.

  • We updated the links sent in email templates that point to pages within the Member Dashboard to make sure the member has already logged in to their account in the browser before displaying the linked page.

  • We updated the "Post - Standard" and "Post - Photo Album" webhooks to add the post location, the post creation date, and the publish / start date of the post. We also updated the "Paid Plan Signup" webhook to include the invoice total, amount collected, and invoice ID of the transaction.

  • We updated the validation of the "Form System Name" setting in the Admin's Form Manager to display an error message when an Admin tries to save a value with unsupported characters.

  • The "Select from List" placeholder text for the Country and State dropdowns on paid checkout pages are now Text Labels.

  • We updated the Web Page Builder to display a validation message if the URL entered for the page starts with "http:", "https:" or double slash "//" .
  • In all, over 80 feature enhancements and software updates were released this month.