Changelog - February 2022
New Features:
- We created a new Post Setting called "Sidebar Position on Mobile Devices" that allows the Admin to choose the position of the search results page sidebars on mobile devices.
- We added a Post Type setting to toggle whether or not to display the Price Slider field in post search modules for compatible Post Types. To use this setting, navigate to Admin >> My Content >> Edit Post Settings >> General Settings >> Additional Settings.
Enhancements / Fixes:
- We updated the Froala WYSIWYGs used on the frontend of sites in order to make it compatible with the draggable "Pre-Made Elements" module when using the "Froala Text Editor - Access Media Manager" form field type inside a Member Dashboard form.
- We updated the logic of the /checkout pages in order to prevent member signups when the "Disable Public Sign Ups Pages For This Membership Plan?" Membership Plan setting is set to "Yes".
- We updated the Predictive Keyword Search Add-On in order to load the JS files after the page loads. This will help to reduce the load time of pages and increase scores in 3rd party tools like GTMetrix and Google Pagespeed.
- The "Transactions" and "Subscriptions" tabs on the Member Overview page in the Admin are now compatible with Admin Roles. A Role that does not have permission to access Finance >> Billing History will not be able to see these tabs either.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing Admins from editing the form field settings after cloning a "Member CV / Brochure Upload" form field in the Form Manager in some cases.
- We updated the logic of the "Post Meta Details" sidebar widget to ignore the display of data from Section Title, Custom HTML, reCpatcha, Honeypot, Help Alert Box and Hidden Fields form field types on Post Detail Pages on the frontend of sites.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the system to display a comma "," in the H1 search results title after conducting a search using the Dynamic Category Filter Add-On in some cases.
- We updated how menus are rendered on the frontend of sites to reduce the loading time of pages.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from including the expected members when generating a Smart List from the Search Members page in the Admin.
- We implemented several security updates to prevent XSS injections in several areas of the software.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing email functions from running correctly in custom widgets in some cases.
- The Member Categories displayed in the "Specialties" tab on member profile pages now respect the "Default Category Sort Order" setting.
- We minified the "websiteScripts.js" file which loads on the frontend of sites to improve page load times and increase the scores on 3rd party tools like Google Pagespeed, GTMetrix, etc.
- We updated the Post Comments functionality to add the ability to search by keyword and sort comments by "Most Replies", "Newest Replies" and "Oldest Replies".
- We fixed an issue which was triggering a validation error on /checkout pages even when all validations were passed correctly in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the Froala WYSIWYG from displaying the image uploader button after using the Pre-Made Elements in the Member Dashboard area.
- We fixed an issue with the Breadcrumbs on post detail pages which was causing Post Types with multi-word names to generate incorrect breadcrumb links in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the Streaming Events homepage widget from displaying the correct results when events did not have an End Date and the Recurring Events Add-On is not active.
- The Admin bar that displays when visiting the frontend of a site as an Admin are now fully compatible with the Admin Role Permissions.
- We fixed an issue with the "Website - Lead Form - Get Matched" form which was hiding the "Category Dropdown" fields when a member was logged in to their account in some cases.
- The Change Membership Plan action is now compatible with Webhooks.
- The "Close My Account" action in the Member Dashboard area is now compatible with Webhooks.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from hiding the billing address and credit card fields on /checkout pages after applying a 100% coupon code where the "Require Card When $0.00?" coupon code setting is set to "No" and the site is using an Off-Site Payment Gateway.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the /checkout pages from respecting the "After Sign Up, Set Account Status As" Memberhip Plan setting when using a Off-Site Payment Gateway.
- We updated the Post - Standard & Post - Photo Album Webhooks in order to include post_filename, email, and user_id data as well when saving a post.
- We implemented a security update in order to prevent code injection when uploading a profile/logo photo.
- We fixed an issue with the display of the Favorited / Bookmarked posts in the Member Dashboard that was generating a blank link in some cases.
- We updated the logic of the "Complete Profile Fields" in order to make it work with the "service" (sub-categories) variable.
- We fixed a UI issue with the display of the "Origin Page" URL when viewing a lead in the Member Dashboard on a mobile device.
- The category dropdown fields in all member search modules are now compatible with the "Show Categories with No Members" setting.
- The "Member - Sign Up - Free" and "Member - Sign Up - Paid" forms are now compatible with the Email Notifications tab form settings.
- The Webhooks functionality now supports the Pay Per Post, Purchase a Lead, and Digital Product purchase actions on the frontend of sites.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing browsers from loading "jquery" resources blocked by their ISP in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from displaying special characters in page meta data in some cases.
- In all, over 70 feature enhancements and software updates were released this month.