Changelog - September 2021
New Features:
- We created two new Design Settings called "Top Spacing" and "Bottom Spacing" for each Homepage section in the Admin >> Settings >> Design Settings >> Homepage tab >> Select Content to Display.
- We updated the Coming Soon module to make it use a Web Page rather than a widget. To use this new feature and edit the coming soon web page, navigate to the Admin >> General Settings >> General Tab >> Website Status (changed to Staging Mode) >> Edit Coming Soon Page.
- We created a new "Sidebar Search Module" Post Type setting option called "No Search Module - None". Choosing this option will hide the search module in the default Post Type search result pages sidebar.
- We released the Premium Content Blocks Add-On. Click here for more information.
- We added the ability to upload attachments and use the feedback survey on support ticket page in the Account Dashboard area in the Admin.
- We added Vietnamese as a Default Website Language option.
Enhancements / Fixes:
- We fixed an issue that was causing the system to hide custom "member_first_name" fields on /checkout pages when a Free Trial is enabled for the Membership Plan and it is set to not collect credit card details for the free trial.
- We updated the validation logic of the Form Manager in order to ensure there are not multiple fields with the same "Database Variable" value when creating and editing forms.
- We moved the Members-Only settings for the Listings Post Type from the "Edit Post settings" area to the Membership Plan Settings. This will allow the owner of a site to have more control over which specific members' data should be treated as "Members Only". To use these new settings navigate to the Admin >> Finance >> Membership Plans >> Edit >> Search Visibility tab.
- We updated the logic of the Menu Manager in order to speed up the process of saving menus.
- The Member Reviews module is now compatible with the Predictive Keyword Search Add-On.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to display the dropdown values on Post Detail pages, causing the system to display variable names instead of the corresponding label in some cases.
- When choosing the forms to use in the "Select Information You Want to Collect" section of the Membership Plan Settings in the Admin, we added links to edit the corresponding forms to each section.
- We added a help text under each geocode method on the "Sync Members with Google Maps" page in the Admin.
- We updated the logic of the "Attempt to Collect all Selected Invoices" on the Past Due tab of the Transaction History page to display an error message for sites using Off-Sites Payment Gateways which do not support this feature.
- The delete action on the Forms Inbox page in the Admin is now being logged in the Activity Tracker.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the "/locations" page on the frontend of sites to display duplicate locations in some cases.
- We updated the text labels for the Top, Sub and Sub-Sub Category selection fields in the Get Matched form on the frontend of sites.
- We updated the member downgrade workflow to also cancel and delete any upcoming invoices and active subscriptions after downgrading from a paid plan to a free plan.
- We fixed an issue that was causing some form inquiries to display as blank when viewing them on the Forms Inbox page in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the Forms Inbox page in the Admin to show Member Login form submissions in some cases.
- We updated the General Settings page in the Admin to require full absolute URL's for all fields in the Social Media tab.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from saving the Invoice Logo on the General Settings page in the Admin on Chromium web browsers in some cases.
- The system is now displaying the SEO Template ID on the page details tab when editing SEO Templates in the Admin.
- We updated the Google Sitemap Generator Add-On to make the generation of sitemaps faster and more efficient, especially for sites with a large amount of data.
- We fixed an issue that was causing checkbox fields on Post Detail pages to display variable names instead of the corresponding label in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the system to delete a post's URL from the database after customizing its URL from the Admin in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from displaying the "Listing - Verify Account" form submissions on the Forms Inbox page in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the post details page to display the "Post Not Public or Active" message when the Post Type's form has the "Post Status" field setup as a dropdown (select) field.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the Post Meta Details v2.0 widget from displaying custom form field data on the frontend of sites in some cases.
- We implemented an update in order to display the "0" zero number on the site when showing data from numeric checkbox fields. Previously "0" would just show as blank.
- Using the Delete Invoice action on the Transaction History page in the Admin is now being logged in the Activity Tracker.
- We fixed an issue with the Main Menu display logic which was causing sub-menus to display text out of the sub-menu's background in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the ability to display members' "About Me" data in the Featured Members and Recent Members homepage widgets when selected in the Display Settings.
- The Email Address and Phone Number field types on the Form Manager are now compatible with the "Use Field Label as Placeholder Text?" form field setting.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from displaying the Post Meta Data Title in some cases.
- We implemented an update in order to correctly display currency symbols when importing members in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from displaying the Overview tab on member profile page even when there is data to display in some cases.
- Saving the Quick Edit Member form on the Search Members page in the Admin is now being logged in the Activity Tracker.
- We improved the way the system does SQL queries on every page load to reduce queries and improve page load times.
- We fixed an issue with the Member Limit logic which was preventing Admins from importing members even when the member limit has not been reached in some cases.
- We updated the logic of the Insta-Load Search Results Add-On to update the text at the top related to the number of listings being displayed with every click on the lazy load button.
- We implemented a performance update in order to reduce the FTP connections on every page load on the frontend of sites to improve page load times.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to customize forms even when changes are applied to a form field's validation options in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the Email Template Logo to display as a broken image in emails when the logo is stored inside a sub folder in the Media Manager in some cases.
- We fixed a javascript issue in the Web Page Builder that was throwing an error when setting the page type as "Custom Widget as Web Page" in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from rendering the sub-level category data in the metadata of pages in some cases.
- We fixed a display issue with the Photo Albums Banner Ad functionality when there was only one image uploaded to a multi-image post.
- We updated the Admin Menu in order to display a notification tag when there are comments pending Admin approval.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from respecting the "Show Banner Ads On Profile" Membership Plan setting on member profile and post detail pages.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the main menu of a site to overlap with the "Live Design Tool" save button when the main menu behavior is set to "Stick at Top".
- We fixed an issue with the "Copy From Parent Account" logic for Sub-Accounts which was removing "+" symbols from the email address of the member.
- We removed the bulk-action checkboxes from the SEO Templates page in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from loading the Favorites page when accessed from some pages in the Member Dashboard.
- We updated the Menu Manager page in the Admin in order to prevent multiple menus from having the same system name.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the system to add an additional "\" after adding a regex rule in the Validation Options for a form field in the Forms Manager in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was causing post search results pages to display a console error which preventing the Lazy Load button from working properly in some cases.
In all, over 80 feature enhancements and software updates were released this month.