Changelog - February 2021
New Features:
- We added the ability to send an email to members once their profile is manually approved by an Admin in the Quick Edit modal on the Search Members page in the Admin.
- The One-Click Social Login Add-On has been separated into two separate Add-Ons: the One-Click Facebook Login and One-Click Google Login.
- We updated the layout when creating/editing forms in the Admin.
- The GDPR Consent Fields functionality is now a free Add-On.
- We created a new Design Setting called "Enable Module Shadow" in order to add a drop shadow to the modules on the frontend of sites.
- We created a new Advanced Setting called "Froala Emojis". When this setting is active, the system will enable the Emojis menu on Froala WYSIWYGs on the frontend of sites.
- The Media Manager tool in the Admin now supports uploading files with the .doc, .docx, .ppt, or pptx file extensions.
- We added the ability for members to downgrade from a Paid Membership plan to a Free Membership Plan from the Member Dashboard.
- We added a Subscription Plan setting to control in which order the upgrade options display on the Upgrade page in the Admin. We also added a Subscription Plan setting to control which of the upgrade options should be pre-selected. In order to use these new settings, navigate to the Admin >> Finance >> Membership Plans >> Edit >>Sign Ups & Upgrades tab >> Available Upgrade Options section.
- We added the ability to sort the "Website Blog Articles" by the "Featured" status when viewing Posts in the Member Dashboard.
- We made an additional "Slide" available for the Homepage Background Slider on the Design Settings page in the Admin, bringing the total to 8.
- We added the ability to display a Member's Sub-Accounts in a tab on their profile page. In order to use this new feature, navigate to the Admin >> Finance >> Membership Plans >> Edit >> Post Publishing tab.
Enhancements / Fixes:
- We updated the layout of the Global Website Search and Personal Post Feed sidebar search modules to match with the design of the other search modules on the frontend of sites.
- We fixed an issue which was impacting the "Hide Parent Account" Membership Plan setting, causing the setting to work in reverse in some cases.
- We updated the logic when creating/editing an Admin Account in order to make the Account Role field required.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from displaying members on search results pages when the new "Members Search Visibility Options" is disabled on sites in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from updating the font family on the member upgrade page in the member dashboard area in some cases.
- We implemented an update in order to correctly format email addresses with special characters when manually sending an email from the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from loading the Favorites count for members in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from displaying the correct price slider values when using the Post Search Modules on the homepage of sites in some cases.
- We updated the Activity Tracker Add-On logic in order to display the text "Member Deleted" on the "Updated By" column data when a member has been deleted from a site.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to load the billing address state data after changing the country when entering the credit card information on the Member Dashboard area.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the Members Only functionality from working properly when the Page Type of a Web Page has been set as "Member Search Results" in the Web Page Builder in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to display the SEO variables when using 2 percentage symbols (%%) instead of 3 in some cases.
- We moved the "Block Spam Keyword" field to the top of the Integrations tab on the General Settings page in the Admin.
- We updated the Form Manager page in order to highlight when a custom form has the same content as the corresponding default form.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from charging One-Time payments when manually adding a recurring subscription for a member from the Admin Area in some cases.
- We fixed an issue with the "Fetch From SEO Template" feature when using the Quick Edit Member form causing it to not return a properly formatted profile page URL in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing Admins from logging out of their account from the Payments Gateway page in the Admin area.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from creating records in the Contact Tag page after a user submits both the Contact Us and the Newsletter form in some cases.
- We added the time each member joined the directory to the existing "Join Date" shown on the Search Members page in the Admin.
- We updated the error message when trying to refund a payment after changing the Payment Gateway credentials of the site in order to return a more detailed description of the issue.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the members from deleting Multi-Photo Posts when special characters were included in Text Labels used on the Member Dashboard in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing members from removing posts or members they had bookmarked from the Member Dashboard area in some cases.
- We implemented a security update in order to prevent malicious entries when using the Member Profile Analytics Add-On on the Front-End of sites.
- We created a new Text Label for the member signup Success Message when using the Free Trial Period Add-On.
- We deprecated the Newsletter Font Color Design Setting as it was no longer being used.
- We updated the design of the SEO Settings tab when editing Web Pages and SEO Templates in the Admin.
- We moved the "Request More Reviews" button from the bottom of Review Details pages to the Manage Reviews page in the Member Dashboard area.
- We fixed an issue which was causing Homepage Search modules to be misaligned when the homepage search module layout was set to "Horizontal" in some cases.
- We updated the Member CSV Import workflow to assume custom fields added to the import file should be imported according to the column headers in the file. As such, the "Directory Property" for these custom fields will be pre-filled with the name of the custom field instead of requiring it to be done manually.
- We updated the "Admin Email Address" field when editing the form settings in order to support up to 5 comma-separated email address.
- We added the "Saving Changes" alert when saving Forms in the Admin.
- We added the "Saving Changes" alert when saving Web Pages in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from displaying results on the first page of the Events Search Results page in some cases.
- We updated the layout of the General and Homepage tabs on the Design Settings page in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the Predictive Keyword Search Add-On from displaying autosuggestion results for custom Post Types in some cases.
- We updated the logic of the Simple Events Calendar Add-On in order to support the display of multiple events when using the "Day" view mode.
- We implemented a security update in order to prevent code injections on Post Search Results pages on the frontend of sites.
- We added support for URL special characters in Email Templates.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from displaying the the content of reviews on the Manage Reviews page in the Admin in some cases.
- We added the ability to edit the "Custom Homepage Content" from the "Select Content to Display" section of the Design Settings page in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to match member categories when searching by keyword when the "Strict Keyword Search" option is selected as "Search Method" for the site in some cases.
- We updated the "Profile Page Tab Order" Post Type setting in order to make it a dropdown field and show the display order that has been selected for other Post Types as well.
- We updated the width of the validation text when creating/editing Posts on the Member Dashboard.
- We updated the layout of the Category Info data on the Member Categories page in the Admin.
- We updated the Map View to display on member search results pages on mobile devices as well.
- We deprecated the "Copy to Website" field when cloning Forms in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue when creating a new Membership Plan that would cause the system to create duplicate copies in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the system to use the SEO details (meta title, description, and keywords) from the member's latest Blog Post instead of the SEO details of the Profile Page when viewing Member Profile pages in some cases.
- We updated the 310 Redirect logic in order to support URLs on external domains for the "Redirect URL" field.
- We now display the "Created" and "Last Update" dates for custom widgets on the Widget Manager page in the Admin.
- We updated the layout of the Specialties tab on the Member Profile pages in order to indent the Sub-sub Categories beneath their parent Sub Categories.
- We added the "Clone Form" option to the Actions dropdown on the Form Manager page in the Admin.
- We updated the the "Joined Via" data on the Search Members page in the Admin to specify when a member joined the site using the "One Click Google Login" or the "One-click Facebook Login" Add-Ons.
- We updated the logic of the Cover Profile Photo cropper. Now when uploading a Profile Cover photo, the member can adjust the height of the crop up to the Max Height set in the Image Settings.
- We added support for special characters in the "From Name" field when using the Compose Email modal in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was causing paid member signups to get stuck on the "Processing" message when using Stripe as the Payment Gateway on sites that do not have an SSL Certificate installed.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from displaying the Member Categories on the "Website - Lead Form - Get Matched" form when the "Show Categories with No Members" setting was not active and the "Default Category Sort Order" was set to either ID ASC or ID DESC.
- We updated the name of 2 Admin sidebar items: "Members" is now "My Members" and "Content" is now "My Content".
- We updated the Bulk Actions modal in order to add placeholders to the Update Top Level Category and Membership Plan dropdown options on the ""Search Members" page in the Admin.
- We updated the logic of the Multi-Member Manager (Sub-Accounts) Add-On in order to automatically upgrade the member's sub-accounts when the parent account is upgrade from the Member Dashboard or Admin area.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the social share button icons to be misaligned when loaded on the same page as the Private Member Chat Add-On in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to clone posts from the Member Dashboard in some cases.
- We implemented an update to the Member Login module in order to remove code which was no longer needed and could potentially cause conflicts with other areas of the software.
- In all, over 120 feature enhancements and software updates were released this month.