Changelog - December 2020
New Features:
- The Newsletter Unsubscribe and Member Close Account actions are now being logged by the Activity Tracker.
- We added "Email Settings" to all forms which allow for the Admin of a site to be notified whenever the form is submitted. In order to activate this new feature, navigate to the Admin >> Toolbox >> Form Manager >> Edit >> Actions >> Edit Form Settings >> Email Settings tab.
- We added the ability to set the button URL for the each message that appears at the top of the Member Dashboard area when a member has a status other than "active".
- We added a date range picker search filter to the Forms Inbox page in the Admin.
- We added the ability to choose a "No Bullet" design for Unordered Lists in the WYSIWYG when editing or creating web pages using the Web Page Builder in the Admin.
- Updates made to the HTACCESS and Robots.txt files are now being logged by the Activity Tracker.
- We added a new "Page Type" to the Web Page Builder called "Load Custom Widget as Web Page". When selecting this option the system will hide all other settings other than the field to enter the filename of the page and the Custom Widget Picker. When loading this type of page, the system will only load the content of the selected widget and nothing else.
- The Media Manager tool in the Admin now supports uploading files with the .xml file extension.
- The Member login and logout actions are now being logged by the Activity Tracker.
- We updated the Default Website Language setting in order to include Polish as one of the dropdown options.
- We created a new Advanced Setting called "Show Top Category in Member Search Results". When this setting is active, the member's top level category will show on member search result pages.
- We added the "Icon Picker" Toolbar feature for Froala WYSIWYGs used in the Admin area. This allows users to add icons when creating / editing web pages and using the Desisgn Settings page in the Admin.
- We created a new Advanced Setting called "Disable Default CSS Stylesheets". Enabling this setting will disable the Bootstrap and theme-styles CSS stylesheets that are loaded on every page on the front end of sites by default. We also created a new Web Page setting to disable the CSS stylesheets for individual web pages.
- We added the ability to send a notification email to a member when their post has been approved by the Admin from the Manage Posts page in the Admin.
- We released the Personal Post Feed Add-On, click here for more information.
- We created two new Design Settings called "Element Background" and "Element Border" for the About Website and Join Offer homepage sections.
We created a new widget called "Bootstrap Theme - Module - Member Private Chat" in order to support the Private Chat message Add-On on member profile and post details sidebars.
Enhancements / Fixes:
- We fixed an issue which was causing the General Settings page in the Admin to hide the Keyword Search field when displaying the "No Settings Found" message.
- We moved the SSL Status message from the General Settings page to the Domain Manager page in the Admin.
- We updated the display of the Design Setting page in the Admin by moving the Homepage Slideshow tab inside the Homepage tab. Also we updated the name of the tabs in order to be more concise.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing Reviews and Newsletter form submissions that are blocked by the Spam Form Protector Add-On from being logged by the Activity Tracker in some cases.
- We updated the 301 Redirect description text on the 301 Redirects page in the Admin.
- We updated the logic of the Member Profile Analytics Add-On in order to speed up the loading time of the Profile Statistics page in the Member Dashboard area.
- We improved the Reviews for field validation to reduce false positives in the Spam Form Protector Add-On.
- We updated the logic of the "Total Members" displayed next to each category on the Member Categories page in the Admin to count all members regardless of status. Previously it only counted members with an "Active" status.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from loading the Lead Preview details on MacOs devices when trying to manually match a member in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was causing "Show Categories with No Members" logic to work in reverse when using the Dynamic Category Filtering Add-On widgets.
- We added the ability to render widgets in the "About Website" and "Join Offer" homepage sections of sites.
- We updated the member keyword search logic to retrieve more accurate results when using the "Strict Keyword Search" as the Keyword Match Method.
- We updated the logic of the "Successful Sign Up / Upgrade Conversion Tracking" Membership Plan setting to use a widget picker instead of a textarea field to better support the type of code that customer need to include in this area.
- The Recent Reviews Module widget is now compatible with special characters in member profile URLs.
- We implemented an update in order to handle special characters in URLs when using the Member Related Searches widget.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing users from deleting Multi-Image posts on the Manage Post page in the Admin.
- We removed the "Developers" sub menu items link and make it a regular menu item called "Developer Tools". We also created a new page called "Developer Tools" which have all the links related to the previous "Developers" sub menu items.
- We updated the Admin Accounts page to restrict Admins to only be able to edit their own account. We also added a new way for site Owners to update the Role of other Admin accounts without editing the accounts themselves.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the bulk selection of the Sub-Sub Categories checkboxes on the Member Categories page in the Admin from working properly.
- We updated the the Manage Posts page in the Admin to allow posts that are assigned to a post type that no longer exists to an a post type that does currently exist.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from hiding the Header Search on mobile devices when using the Social Media Links as the Header Search in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was hiding the Developer Tools menu link in the Admin even when the role of an Admin account allowed access to items in the Developer Tools section.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from displaying the "Success" message when using a custom Newsletter form.
- We updated the layout of the 301 Redirects page in the Admin.
- We updated the logic of the Automatic Lead Matching Add-On in order to speed up the loading time of the Lead Details page in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the "State" dropdown field to display as "Not Applicable" when editing Contacts on the View Contacts page in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing Video Search Results pages from displaying the video thumbnail image when the URL of YouTube posts contained additional parameters in some cases.
- We updated the layout of the Compose Email page in the Admin.
- We updated the "Submit Review" button used for the Reviews feature form in order to change the text of the button from "Submit Review" to "Continue to Next Step" when images can be attached to the review.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing members from being displayed on the Search Members page in the Admin in some cases.
- We updated the button colors used in modals on the Payment Settings page in the Admin in order to match the colors of buttons used in other areas of the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to process paid signups when using PayPal Standard as a payment gateway in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing Admins from being able to change their "Log In First By Default" Admin Account setting in some cases.
- We updated the links in the lead notification emails sent to the Admin of the site to make sure clicking on the link will log the Admin in to the site the lead was submitted to rather than the Default Login Website of the Admin account.
- We updated the cancelation process so that when a member is set to "Cancelled" in the "Quick Edit" modal on the Search Members page in the Admin, the member's billing subscription and any unpaid invoices will be cancelled as well.
- We updated the logic of the Multi-Member Manager Add-On so that sub accounts cannot be set as "Active" unless the parent account has the "Active" status.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the logged-in member's image from displaying correctly in the header of the site in some cases.
- We updated the areas where youtube video thumbnails are displayed to support more youtube URL formats.
- The "Post a new comment.." text when using the Community Comments Add-On is now a text label.
- We updated the layout and fixed several minor technical issues on the Manage Posts page in the Admin.
- The "on" text on the Leads details page in the Member Dashboard area is now a text label.
- The "Print" text on the Post details page is now a text label.
- The Filter By Star Rating Add-On is now compatible with text labels.
- The confirmation alerts when uploading photos to a multi-photo post are now text labels.
- We updated the Smart List exporting functionality to make the queries used in the tool more secure.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the lead preview email template to erroneously include the email and phone data in the email when manually matching members through the Admin in some cases.
- We improved the Form Manager backend validation in order to prevent fields from being considered as required when they are set to not be required in the Form Manager.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the Member Login module to work properly when using text labels with single or double quotes in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the Date options on the "Order Results By" Post Type setting to sort results in reverse order on Post Results pages in some cases.
- The "Request More Reviews" text on the Reviews details page in the Member Dashboard area is now a text label.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the layout of the Compose Email modal in the Admin, causing the Froala WYSIWYG toolbar to get stuck when scrolling in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the "CTA Button Color" setting in the Hero Section tab from saving when editing Web Pages in some cases.
- We updated the notifications that display inline after submitting a form so they can be closed by clicking on an "X" button instead of being closed automatically after 2 seconds.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the system to add an extra empty slide at the end of the multi-photo image post galleries on post details pages when the Photo Albums Banner Ad design setting is activate in some cases.
- The "Public Main Menu" and "Members Main Menu" Design Settings only supports menus which include the words "Main Menu" in the name of the Menu.
- We updated the Website Time Zone options on the General Settings page in the Admin to include more time zone options and update the current options to use the currently recommended PHP time zone notation.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from displaying the correct error message when trying to sign up on a site using the One-Click Social Login Add-On.
- We updated the layout of the Manage Leads page to include a dropdown with the options to create a New Lead Workflow, edit AutoMatch Workflows, and edit the Lead General Settings. The "Lead Settings" link has been removed from the Admin sidebar menu as well.
- We updated the links in the review notification emails sent to the Admin of the site to make sure clicking on the link will log the Admin in to the site the review was submitted to rather than the Default Login Website of the Admin account.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to use the Keyword Search field on the General Settings page in some cases.
- We removed the "Page Content" tab when editing SEO Templates in the Admin.
- We updated the way emails are sent as a result of a form submission to make sure the logo of the site is properly included in the email.
- We fixed an issue which was hiding the "Custom Section Background" Design Setting for the "About Website/Join Offer" Homepage Sections on the Design Settings page in the Admin.
- The "Choose a Password" and the "Registered with" text on signup forms are now compatible with Text Labels.
- We updated the Manage Leads page in order to display all leads of the site when the page first loads instead of just showing the pending leads. A user can then only show the pending leads by selecting "Pending" in the "Lead Status" filter on the page.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from displaying multiple categories in the h1 header on Member Search Results pages when using the Dynamic Category Filtering Add-On and selecting multiple categories in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from properly including the Website Logo in the email sent after a user submits a custom Contact Us form in some cases.
- We added new Text Labels specifically for plural versions of some existing Text Labels. This will allow a site owner that is translating the website into a different language to have better control over the plural versions of these Text Labels.
- We updated the alert that displays after changing the URL of a Post Type when saving the Post Settings in the Admin.
- The miles "mi" and kilometers "km" text that displays on the search results pages of radius-based location searches are now Text Labels.
- We moved the Membership Plan setting that allows members to receive reviews from the Post Publish tab to the Profile Page tab >> Member Reviews Settings section. Also, we moved the Member Review Post settings from the Edit Post Settings page to the Members >> Member Reviews page in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from sending an email notification to the Admin when the "Admin Email Address" setting for the form and the "Website Default Email" setting in the General Settings are the same.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing link URLs that contained special characters from being saved properly in Froala WYSIWYGs found in the Member Dashboard area.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from treating Froala WYSIWYGs with the "froala-editor" class as Required when they have been set that way in the Form Settings.
- We improved the member search results logic in order to return more accurate results when searching for custom data that has special characters.
- We updated the Google Recpatcha field in order to optimize its display on mobile devices.
- We improved the Member Import feature in the Admin to allow the Admin to match the fields in the import file with the corresponding fields in the database and add the ability to create new fields before importing the members.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to load the Favorites page in the Member Dashboard area on mobile devices in some cases.
- We created a Website Conflict to notify Admins when the HTACCESS file of their site is empty.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from updating the member profile URL after saving the Quick Edit form for the member on the Search Results page in the Admin.
- In all, over 120 feature enhancements and software updates were released this month.