Changelog - September 2020



New Features:

  • We created a new Advanced Setting called "Show Only Sub-Sub Categories On Member Profiles". This allows the site Admin to choose whether both Sub and Sub-sub categories or only Sub-Sub Categories display in the "Specialties" tab on member profile pages.

  • We created a new Design Setting called "Information Display" in order to give the ability to always display the info of Streaming Widget items or only show the info when hovering the mouse over the item. To use this new setting, navigate to the Admin >> Settings >> Design Settings >> Homepage Layout tab >> Homepage Search Settings section. 

  • We created a new Hero Section Setting for static pages called "Background Image Behavior" to make the Hero Image more compatible with mobile devices. We created the same setting for the "Homepage Slideshow" image on the Design Settings page in the Admin.

  • We updated the Menu validation logic in order to allow saving Text Labels in the URL field of menu items.

  • The "/about/terms" link on the Free Signup form is now compatible with Text Labels.

  • We released the Streaming Post Carousel Slider Add-On. Click here for more information.

  • We made searching for Membership Plans more accessible when manually creating members in the Admin.

  • We added the ability for Admins to log in as a member and publish posts from the Admin Area. To use this new feature, navigate to the Admin >> Content >> Manage Post >> Publish New Post button. 

  • We added the ability to define a custom URL for member search results pages on the front-end of the sites. In order to use this new feature, navigate to the Admin >> Settings >> General Settings >> Search Settings tab. 

  • We created a new set of design settings in order to allow for better control over the width and position of sidebars on the frontend of sites. In order to use this new feature, navigate to the Admin >> Settings >> Design Settings >> Design Settings tab >> Sidebar Alignment Options. Also, the same ability was added for sidebars on static pages. This setting can be found in the Admin >> Content >> Edit Web Pages >> Edit >> Display Settings. 

  • We updated the design of the Member Categories page in order to add a third tab to display the "Sub-Sub Level" categories and move the "Parent Category" filter on Sub and Sub-Sub Level tab to the table header.

  • We created a new Advanced Setting called "Member Profile URL Structure". This setting allows a site Admin to control how the member profile page URL is constructed by using drag-n-drop elements to create a template.

  • We created a new design setting called "Read More Button Style" in order to control the style of the "Read More" button displayed in Streaming/Recent homepage widgets. In order to use this new setting, navigate to the Admin >> Settings >> Design Settings >> Homepage Layout >> Homepage Search Settings. 

  • We added the ability to change the width of the button action links in the Froala Editor in the Admin.

  • We created the Keyword + Location Search module for Global Website Search Add-On.

  • We updated the Search Members page in the Admin to display the currently selected search parameters below the search module.

  • We created a new Advanced Setting called "Prioritize Profile Cover Photo as Social Share Image".  Turning this on will cause the system to attempt to use a member's profile cover photo as the social share image for their profile page.

  • We added a keyword filter to the Membership Plans dropdown on the Search Members page in the Admin.

  • We created two new settings called "Currency Prefix" and "Currency Suffix" in order to give more control over the display of the billing amounts in the software. In order to use these new settings navigate to the Admin >> Settings >> General Settings >> Localization tab. We also updated the dropdown options of the "Website Currency Number Format" field to only show the most common format options

  • We created a new Membership Plan setting called "Successful Sign Up / Upgrade Conversion Tracking Code" in order to allow users to add conversion tracking codes for member signups and upgrades more easily. In order to use this new feature, navigate to the Admin >> Finance >> Membership Plans >> Edit >> Signups and Upgrades tab

  • We implemented an update in order to identify member posts that are not associated with an existing Post Type and delete from the website.  This can now be found on the Manage Post page in the Admin.

Enhancements / Fixes:

  • We updated the documentation links and changed the "Active" text to "Status: Active" on the Manage Add-Ons page in the Admin.

  • We updated the Homepage Search Type validation field in order to display an error message when the Digital Products search module is selected and the Add-On is not active on the site. We also updated the text of the "Feature Search" dropdown label on the Search Type field to "Post Type Search".

  • We fixed a display issue when using both the "Grid" view and "Insta-Load" option on post search results pages.

  • We improved the delete post logic in order to reduce the processing time to delete a post with images.

  • We added the ability to customize the "Sub-Accounts" form on the Form Manager page in the Admin.

  • We updated the settings for each of the "Homepage Sections" selected in the Design Settings to make them editable through a modal in the "Homepage Section Order" area rather than editable in a separate area of the page.

  • We updated the organization of the "General Settings" area of the Admin to better organize the settings and make several commonly-used Advanced Settings more accessible.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the system to remove HTML elements on the Main Menu when visiting the site on mobile devices.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the Recaptcha field in the "Contact Us" form from validating properly in some cases.

  • We fixed an issue with saving special characters in the filenames of Member Categories when categories are manually added in the Admin.

  • We fixed minor display issues when viewing the "Events Calendar" on mobile devices.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from displaying member results when searching for location which contain apostrophes in their names in some cases.

  • We updated the "Sidebar Manager" page in the Admin in order to move the Bulk Actions for custom sidebars to the table header as it is in other areas of the Admin.

  • We updated the photo-album upload display logic in order to not close the "Uploading" modal until the upload process is completed.

  • The Billing Email Settings page is now compatible with the Admin Roles feature.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the system to display PHP errors when visiting a member profile page on a site that is missing the "location_states" and "location_cities" database tables.

  • We added a new Website Alert that will disable the custom "Account - Save Actions" widget to prevent Spam submissions through the Member Review form.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the system to display the "Cancel Billing Subscription" modal when changing the status of a member to "Cancelled", even when the member does not have an active billing subscription.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the system to display the "Cancel Billing Subscription" modal when changing the status of a member to "Cancelled", even when the member does not have an active billing subscription.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing Main Menu items to look misaligned when viewing the site on mobile devices.

  • We improved the logic when deleting multi-image posts in order to reduce the time required to complete the process.

  • We fixed an email validation error which was affecting the ability to save member data on the Contact Details form in the Member Dashboard in some cases.

  • We fixed an XSS vulnerability on the "/admin" page on the frontend of sites.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the system to display a PHP error on the Member Contact Details tab in the Member Dashboard when the forms table is not present in the database.

  • We updated the Integrations tab on the General Settings page in the Admin to allow access to this content even when the site has not yet launched on its live domain.

  • We improved several pages in the Admin to reduce their load time.

  • We updated the success message after updating the domain of a site to remind Admins to also update the Integration Settings in the General Settings area of the Admin.

  • We updated the design of the "Default Member Search URL" on the Search Settings tab in the General Settings page in the Admin.

  • We removed the decimal values from post price slider search fields as they were not applicable and used extra space.

  • We removed the "View Page" and "New Web Page" buttons when creating a new web page in the Admin.  These buttons appear after a new page has been saved for the first time.

  • The items in the "Select Post Type" dropdown when creating a new post from the Admin are now ordered alphabetically.

  • We added a background color to the inactive tabs on member profile pages. The color is controlled by the "Module Background" design setting.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the "Term of Use" link in the front-end Footer section to not work properly in some cases.

  • We updated the design of the "My Favorites" page on the member dashboard area to match with the design of the post page in the member dashboard area.

  • We updated the "Website Notification" text when a site has a custom "Search - Member - Search Query" widget in their widget library.

  • We deprecated the" Bootstrap Theme - Account - Invite Blurb" widget.

  • We updated the design when editing Membership Plan settings in the Admin.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the Manage Post page to not work properly when the name of a Post Type contains an apostrophe.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the Smartlist action dropdown to show the "Export" option even when the Member Export Data Add-On was not active on the site.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the Software Updates module on Dashboard page in the Admin to get stuck when checking for new updates in some cases.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing Member Export Data files to be empty in some cases when using MacOs devices.

  • We added a badge to the Member Dashboard sidebar to indicate if a member is a sub-account of another account.

  • The Recent Member, Featured Member, Top and Sub-Categories streaming homepage widgets are now compatible with the Streaming Post Carousel Slider Add-On.

  • We fixed an issue when displaying the search result style icons on search results pages when the page does not have an h1, h2, or breadcrumbs.

  • We updated the member sub categories selection in the Member Dashboard area to be ordered by the "Front-End Display" category setting on the Member Categories page in the Admin.

  • We removed the "Next" symbol when the Slider Carousel is active and viewed on a mobile device.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the Member Dashboard menu toggle to not work properly when viewing a page on a mobile device.

  • We updated the title text of the of the Reset Password page in the Admin from "Forgot My Password" to "Reset My Password".

  • We updated the logic of the "Homepage Hero Message with Link" widget to not render the HTML elements for empty values.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the files generated by the Export Data Add-On to be empty in some cases.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the Google Sitemap Generator Add-On to include the profile page URL of inactive members in sitemap files.

  • We fixed an issue which was affecting the Payfast return URL causing the system to redirect to an incorrect page when cancelling the payment process in some cases.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the "User Consent Tools" installer to show on the General Settings page in the Admin even when it was already installed in some cases.

  • We updated the Google Location Suggest logic in order to return more accurate suggestions.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the "Sort Order" search field on the Search Members page in the Admin to not work properly when choosing "alphabetical".

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the system to remove the URL added for a static page after selecting "Member Search Results" as the Page Type when creating a new static page in the Admin.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the system to display an error message when trying to add a service area in the Member Dashboard in some cases.

  • We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to search for members that have an apostrophe in their name on the Search Members page in the Admin.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the system to display extra blank spaces in the Streaming Recent Member and Featured Members widget in the homepage in some cases.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the Contact Us form to display a Google Recaptcha validation error even when the recaptcha had been checked correctly in some cases.

  • We re-ordered the position of the tabs and settings when editing Membership Plans in the Admin.

  • Blank spaces added at the beginning or end of a field in the Member Dashboard will now be trimmed automatically when saved. 

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the system to display the "%%%profession_name%%%" variable in the breadcrumbs of profile pages when the member has not selected a Top Category. 

  • We updated the 301 Redirects functionality in the Admin to URL-encode URLs added manually. 

  • We updated the date displayed on review details page to match the normal date format options. 

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the member search to not return the correct results when searching for multi-word keywords in some cases.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the system to not URL-encode/decode member URLs properly when using the "Fetch From SEO Template" tool in the Quick Edit member modal found on the Search Members page in the Admin.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing members from upgrading from a free to paid Membership Level in some cases.

  • We added a "Publish" option when a member's post has been set as "Pending Approval" on the Manage Post page in the Admin.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from displaying the "State Name" on member search results pages when searching for locations in the United Kingdom in some cases.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from sending the daily invoice report of the "Billing Reminder Emails" Add-On in some cases.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the video thumbnail from displaying properly in the "Bootstrap Theme - Display - Recent Videos" widget, Member Dashboard area and Manage Post page in the Admin in some cases.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the system to display all member results when using the Sub Category Search module and the Dynamic Sub-Category Search Results Add-On in teh.

  • We updated the save action logic of the Newsletter form in order to return a message if the email entered already exists as a Contact with the Newsletter tag.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the "Send Message" button to get stuck showing the "processing" message after sending a chat message using the Private Member Chat Add-On in some cases.

  • We refactored the member signup logic in order to speed up the process when a paid member sign up on a site.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the "Card Name" field on /checkout pages to overwrite the "First Name" on the Contact Details tab in the Member Dashboard area.

  • We updated the layout of the "processing" message shown when viewing Posts in the Member Dashboard area.

  • We updated the validation used when saving Member Categories in the Admin to prevent forward slashes from being saved in the "Link URL" field of a category.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the Highlight Member Results Add-On to not display the "Text Message" text in some cases.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the Global Website Search + Location widget from displaying after being saved in the Design Settings in some cases.

  • We updated the layout of the Billing Address form on used in the Member Dashboard area to be a modal instead of always visible.

  • We moved the Default Category Sort Order from the Member Categories page to the General Settings page >> Search Setting tab in the Admin.

  • In all, over 140 feature enhancements and software updates were released this month.