Changelog - June 2020
New Features:
- We added the signup page link to the Edit Membership Plan page in the Admin to make it easier to view the page when editing a Membership Plan.
- We updated the Dashboard Header and Dashboard Footer Custom HTML membership plan settings in order to allow Admins to use a Froala WYSIWYG or select a custom widget to display in the Member Dashboard area.
- We updated the logic of the Form Manager when creating a new form in order to launch it with some basic fields to use as a template when creating a new form.
- The "Verify Business" button on the Verify Business form in the Member Dashboard is now based on a Text Label.
- We updated the "Pending Items" section of the Admin Dashboard to include some new notifications: "Pending Reviews", "Pending Posts", and "Pending Inquiries".
- We updated the Email Templates functionality to support the %%%first_name%%% variable in the newsletter-signup-user Email Template.
- We updated the "Image Aspect Ratio" Design Setting in order to include "4:3" as an option. In order to use this new feature, navigate to the Admin >> Settings >> Design Settings >> Homepage Layout tab >> Homepage Search Settings section.
- The "Add New Credit Card" modal when paying for a "Digital Product" is now fully compatible with Text Labels.
- We updated the member account status message in the Member Dashboard to make it fully compatible with Text Labels.
- We updated the "Member Reviews" menu item in the Admin in order to display the number of reviews pending Admin approval.
- We added a category search filter and the option to select/de-select all sub-categories when the "Category Display Options" lead settings is set to display Sub and Sub-Sub Categories on the Lead Settings page in the Admin.
- The "Cancel" button on the "Add Credit" modal on the Member Dashboard is now a Text Label.
- The number of Free Trials days set for each Membership Plan is now displayed on the Membership Plans page in the Admin.
- The Activity Tracker will now log when the Billing Email Settings page is saved in the Admin.
- We updated the Froala WYSIWYG in order to support the picture HTML element across all the platform.
- We updated the process when deleting Top Level Categories in the Admin. We added the ability to move the members and sub categories from the deleted top category to another Top Level Category during the process to avoid user errors.
- We released the new Smart Lists feature in the Admin.
- We updated the logic and the display of the Text Labels page in the Admin.
- We updated the workflow when manually changing a member's status to "Cancelled" in the Admin. Now if a member has an active subscription when they are manually set to "Cancelled" in the Admin, the system will prompt the Admin if they would also like to cancel the active subscription.
- We applied the default_contact_us_url text label to all sections on the front-end where the contact URL is being used by default.
- The "Date Paid" will now display on the billing history page in the Member Dashboard area when an invoice has been paid.
- We updated the layout of the member profile pages in order to add a background color for the profile tabs. The background color will be controlled by the "Module Border Color" Design Setting.
- We updated the layout of the Froala WYSWYG on the Edit Membership Plan page in the Admin in order to make the height of the editor adjustable.
- We added the ability to edit the "Listing Social Meta Title" and "Listing Social Meta Description" for members in the Quick Edit member form found on the Search Members page in the Admin.
- We added the ability to upload files using the WEBP image type using the Media Manager in the Admin.
- We added the ability to use custom padding to table elements in Froala WYSIWYG's in the Admin.
- We created a new Membership Plan setting called "Redirect Page After Sign Up". This allows the Admin to set which URL members will be redirected to after a member signs up. In order to use this new feature, navigate to the Admin >> Finance >> Membership Plans >> Edit >> General tab.
- We added the ability to upload a custom "All Location Badge" to the Brand Images tab on the General Settings page in the Admin. Note: This feature will be available only when the Multi-Location Listing Add-On is active on a site.
- The "Please Enter a Value", "Displays under your name on search result pages (170 Character Limit)" and "Please enter a valid email address" input field validation error texts are now based on Text Labels.
- The keyword filter on the Member Categories page in the Admin will now also search the "Related Keywords" field when the "Keywords for Categories" Add-On is active on a site.
- We updated the "Make Category Fields Required" Lead Setting in order to use a dropdown field with the following options: "All Category Fields Required", "First Category Field Required" or "Not Required".
- We added the ability to allow the titles of images in Multi-Image Posts to be blank.
Enhancements / Fixes:
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the "Search Now" button from working properly in search module widgets in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to properly generate a sitemap in some cases.
- We fixed an issue with the Search Results highlight preview in the Membership Plan Settings which was causing the border width to show as being saved as "4", the default, rather than "0", when it had been saved as "0".
- We updated the format of how the system displays the location information on member profile pages in order to make it more uniform with other areas where a member's location is displayed.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the "bulk-actions" dropdown from displaying on the Widget Manager page in the Admin.
- We updated the "Insert Link" feature of Froala WYSIWYG editors across the platform in order to prevent a forced "prefix" value (https:// or https://) from being added when editing a link.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing Billing Address Information from being saved in the Member Dashboard area in the front-end of the sites in some cases.
- We updated the Member Dashboard Sidebar Menu in order to keep the "Account" menu item toggled open when viewing the pages inside of that section.
- We fixed an issue with the Recurring Event Add-On which was preventing the system from displaying event posts which do not repeat when the Recurring Event Add-On is active on a site.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the Website Timezone to not be displayed correctly in the Admin area in some cases.
We updated the text of the "Limit Post to These Products" setting to "Include Posts from Members in These Plans" on the Homepage Section Order Options section of the Design Settings page in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue with the member upgrade feature which was preventing the "One-Time Setup Fee" from being charged in some cases.
- We updated the "Add Single Member" button on the Import Members page in the Admin so that an Admin account that has the "Import Members" Permission will be able to add a single member as well.
- We updated the window Admins are allowed to refund transactions from the Admin area to 365 days for the Stripe payment gateway and to 180 days for the PayPal payment gateway.
- We fixed an issue which which was preventing the Form Manager from saving newly-added fields when customizing a form for the first time.
- We fixed an issue that was preventing the Admin sidebar menu from closing when clicking on the "X" button to close the menu when viewing the frontend of a site as an Admin.
- We updated Text Labels so they are fetched directly from the database rather than relying on a cache file. This ensures that new labels added to the system will work immediately on all sites and did not have any impact on performance in our testing.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the Export Categories Tool from exporting categories with duplicate names in some cases.
- We fixed an issue with the Import Categories Tool which was preventing imported Sub-Level categories from being associated with the correct Top Category in some cases.
- We fixed a design issue which was causing the search field in the Service Area module in the Member Dashboard to overlap with the content below when viewing the site on mobile devices.
- We fixed an issue with the "Install New Updates" module which was causing the "Check For Updates" process to get stuck when completing some updates.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the "Display Tab Total" Design Setting from working properly on Member Profile pages in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing ZenMembers Admin accounts from being able to see custom widgets on the Widget Manager page in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue with PayPal Payment Gateway which was causing payment transactions with the "Paid" status in PayPal to have a different status on the Transaction History page in the Admin in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to clone posts from the Member Dashboard area when using the Pay Per Post Add-On in some cases.
- We removed the "Add-On Available" labels from the Edit Post Types and Edit Membership Plan pages in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was causing Lead Email Templates to display a PHP warning in some cases.
- We fixed an issue with the "Forgot Password" Feature for Admin accounts which was causing it to return a blank page when used in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was causing Member Search Results pages to not return accurate results when the "Member Keyword Search Type" is set to "Inclusive Keyword Search" in some cases.
- We updated the Froala WYSIWYG text fields on the Pricing tab of the Membership Plans settings pages of the Admin to prevent widgets from rendering when entered into these WYSIWYG fields.
- We updated the Country Settings page in the Admin in order to require that least one country must be set to "Active" or "Featured" to save the page.
- We updated the member account details page in the Admin in order to add a tag that identifies if the member has been created as a "Sub-Account".
- We updated the Search Members page in the Admin in order to not run the geocode check on members if the site has activated the big_database Advanced Setting. This speeds up the loading of the Search Members page in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the "Last Edit Date" of posts to display incorrectly on the Manage Posts page in the Admin in some cases.
- We removed the "Share the same form settings for Profile Pages & Website Pages" Lead Setting from custom lead actions on the Lead Settings page in the Admin as it has no effect on the functionality of the Leads System.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from properly spending a "Pay Per Post Credit" when an Admin manually approves a post that was paid for using the Pay Per Post Add-On.
- We implemented an update in order to make the Details page of posts not available if the status of the member is anything other than "Active".
- We updated the email field types on the Front-End of the sites in order to automatically remove any whitespaces when entering content into the field.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the Website Timezone to not be displayed correctly in the Admin area in some cases.
- We updated the "Custom Search Engine Widget Name" field on the Edit Post settings page in the Admin in order to only display when the Allow Custom Search Query Widgets for Post Types Advanced Setting is activate or the field already has a value.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the "Homepage Alignment" Design Setting from working properly when using the Sub Category Search on the homepage in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from displaying the correct amount on invoices when selecting the "Quarterly" billing cycle option and using a Coupon Code when signing up as a a paid member.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to use the "Clone" feature for posts in the Member Dashboard when the Pay Per Post Add-On is active on a site.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the system to add an additional space at the top of the sites when viewing the site on a mobile device. This was happening when the Website Announcement Bar Add-On is active and the "Main Menu Position" Design Setting is set to "Fixed Top".
We fixed an issue which was causing a conflict when site members are geocoded to a city named "Home" in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the "Sign In With Google" Membership Plan setting from working properly in some cases.
- We updated the Keywords for Categories Add-On to use our current Add-On management system.
- We updated the Payment Gateways page logic validation on the Admin area in order to support longer Stripe Payment Gateway API keys.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the system to display the Pending Reviews count on the Member Sidebar Menu in the Member Dashboard even when the member does not have the ability to accept or delete reviews.
- We updated the invoice date shown on the Transaction History page in the Admin in order to match with the Website Timezone set in the General Settings of the site.
- We updated the editing of Admin Accounts to prevent the Role of an Admin from being changed if it is currently set as "Owner".
- We removed the ability to customize the Bootstrap Theme - Function - API widget.
- We updated the Select2 Dropdown font to match with the "Body Font Family" set on the Design Settings page in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the categories page in the front-end of the sites to not show any results when the fast_search Advanced Setting is set to "0" in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the Finance Snapshot to show an incorrect amount on the Admin Dashboard page for some currencies.
- We added a recommended image size to the "Hero Image" section of the "Edit Web Page" area in the Admin.
- We removed the ability to use button classes for links when editing an Email Template in the Admin as these will not be applied when an email is sent.
- We updated the widgets that display Google Maps on the frontend of sites to add the "Get Directions" button to those that were missing it.
- The "Only Allow Members" option when editing web pages in the Admin is now only displaying when the corresponding Add-On is active on a site.
- We updated the layout of the upload image modal in the Member account area in order to increase the width of the "Crop & Confirm Upload" button.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the "Bootstrap Theme - Display - Related Posts by Category" widget to show broken thumbnail images in some cases.
- We updated the Newsletter button style in order to remove the vertical divider line if one of the 2 text labels used in the button are empty.
- The "Search Email Variable" field will now be fixed at the top of the Email Variables section on the Edit Email Templates page in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the password retrieval page on the front-end of sites to returns a blank page in some cases.
- We updated the Event Search, Keyword Search and Local Radius Search Module widgets in order to use a button HTML element instead of an input HTML element for the "Submit" button.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the Google Maps API Status checker to not work properly on the Admin Dashboard in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the Specialties content on Member Profile pages to be mis-aligned in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from adding the "Newsletter Subscribers" contact tag to existing contacts who also submitted their email address to the Newsletter Signup form.
- We updated the Website Activity Tracker in order to save the subject of emails sent manually from the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the system to redirect to users to an invalid URL when a site user tries to edit a post which does not belong to them. Instead, the system will now simply show an error message in these cases.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from showing the "Display Settings" section when editing Web Pages in the Admin when the "Page Type" is set to "Post Search Results".
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the Media Manager page in the Admin from allowing PDF files to be uploaded.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the Homepage Divider images URL to always redirect to the first image URL link in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the Payment Gateways credentials fields in the Admin to not allow credentials that were copied and pasted into the field in some cases.
- We updated the "Copy Details From Master Account" button logic when creating Sub-Accounts in order to copy the Profile Photo, Listing Details and About tab information. Previously this button was only copying the content of the Contact Details tab.
- We removed the ability to select the "Page Type" field when editing an SEO Template in the Admin as this has no impact on functionality.
- We deprecated the "Google +" field on the Contact Details tab in the Member Dashboard area for all members that have not previously saved a value for this field.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from successfully executing the Lead Installer from the Admin Dashboard in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from displaying the Member Dashboard menu links on mobile devices when the "Hide Main Menu" Design Setting was activated.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the system to display the button to purchase an additional Multi-Image post even when the member had already reached their post publishing limit when using the Pay Per Post Add-On.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the Price Range slider field for Post searches to not update the price slider values on the frontend of sites in some cases.
- We updated the Members-Only Add-On logic in order to more accurately identify the Listing Post Type.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the Member Categories page in the Admin to load fully in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the Member Search Results page to display accurate results when searching by Sub and Sub-Sub categories only.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the "Get Matched" form from being submitted without an email address field value even when this field has been set as "not required".
In all, over 150 feature enhancements and software updates were released this month.