Changelog - March 2020
New Features:
- We updated the layout of member review pages to use stars instead of radio button inputs.
- We updated the Admin Account page in order to show the "Admin Role" selected for each Admin Account in the account information section of the page.
- We updated the Website Activity Tracker in order to log the member email address and ID when a member is deleted from a site. We also added the ability to log the form variable name every time a member submits a form in the Member Dashboard area.
- We added the ability to include the "Insert Table" feature for the Froala WYSYWYG when editing single Web Pages in the Admin.
- We added the ability to change the Parent Member of a Sub-Account and transfer ownership of posts between members through the bulk actions on the Search Members page in the Admin.
- We added the ability for members to update their Billing Address separately from their profile address. Their billing address appears on invoices and is associated with their credit card on file. This can now be done from the Billing Details page in the Member Dashboard area.
- We released the Hidden Member Profiles Add-On. Click here for more information.
- We added a new Membership Plan setting for the Advanced Post Moderation Add-On called "Post Moderation Settings" This new setting will allow to set how posts are published on a per-Post Type basis for each Membership Plan, granting even more granular control than before.
- We updated the "Resend Email Verification" button that appears at the top of the Member Dashboard when a member is not yet active in order to show a verification alert after the button has been clicked and the verification email has been re-sent successfully.
- We added the "Daily Income" and "Year to Date Income" reports to the Income Reports section on the Transaction History page in the Admin.
- We updated the "Front-End Display" setting on the "Member Categories" page in the Admin to impact the display order of Top and Sub Categories across all search modules and the Dynamic Category Filter Add-On.
- We added a Free Trial Message at the top of the Admin in order to display a message that will inform the Admins of the site when the Free Trial is coming to an end.
- We added the "Line-Height" option to the Froala WYSYWYG in the Admin.
- We added the ability to search by date range on the Activity Tracker page in the Admin.
- We created a new Integration Setting in order to enable/disable email notifications when a member receives a chat message through the Private Member Chat Add-On.
- The status of members can now only be manually set to "Past Due" in the Admin when the member has a past-due invoice. Conversely, if a member has a past-due invoice the status of the member cannot be manually changed to "Active". This logic will apply only if the auto_suspend_accounts Advanced Setting is active on a site.
- We added the ability to apply the Admin Role Permission logic for Plugins created by third party developers. This feature can be added to the Custom Admin Roles of a site.
We added a new Admin Role Permission that toggles whether or not a Role has access to change the status (Active or Inactive) of Admin Accounts.
We added the ability to edit the categories of a lead from the Manage Leads page in the Admin.
We updated the "Insert Table" feature for the Froala WYSYWYG in order to support inserting or deleting rows when editing a Web Page in the Admin.
The placeholder text for the email and password fields on the Login Form are now fully compatible with Text Labels.
We added the ability for members to "unsync" their account on a Brilliant Directories site from their Google and Facebook accounts after they have been previously synced using the "One-Click Social Login" Add-On. Members can do this from the Member Dashboard page after they log in to their account.
We created a "tag cloud" of Sub Categories selected by a member below the current area where they select their categories in the Member Dashboard. This tag cloud adds more visibility to the categories currently selected by the member and they can remove themselves from a category by clicking on the "x" for the category in the tag cloud in addition to using the checkboxes.
We added the ability to designate a sort order for the Streaming Members homepage widget. In order to use this new feature, navigate to the Admin >> Settings >> Design Settings >> Homepage Layout tab >> Homepage Section Order Options.
Enhancements / Fixes:
- We fixed an issue with member post search results when searching by title only.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the system to re-open cancelled subscriptions after paying a past-due invoice in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from saving changes to the Sub-Account Post Type in some cases.
- We updated some of the text of the page when editing a Coupon Code in the Admin in order to clarify the functionality of some fields.
- We updated the "Date Matched" on the Lead Details page in the Admin to use the Date Format set for the site.
- We updated the Event Search Engine in order to return more accurate results when using the Auto-Recurring Events Add-On.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the "Contact Member" form on multi-photo post details page to show an un-formatted success message after submitting the form when the post does not include any images.
- We updated the Payment Gateways page in the Admin in order to remove the "Delete" button when the site only has one Payment Gateway.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the Sitemap Generator Add-On from respectiing the "No Index, No follow" setting on Static Web pages when creating the Sitemap.
- We updated the Homepage styles in order to remove an unnecessary space between the homepage images and the first homepage section widget.
- We fixed an issue which was causing system to show the same invoice several times when searching by "Billing Cycle" on the Transaction History page in the Admin.
- We made an improvement to the Sitemap Generator Add-On so members that are not searchable on the site will not be included in sitemaps generated by this tool.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the system to display an un-formatted success message after a member signs up with Facebook using the Social Login Add-On in some cases.
- We updated the failed signup email notification logic in order to only send an email to the Admin of the site when a paid signup attempt fails.
- We updated the Refresh Cache logic in order to remove redundant data from stored in JSON files on the file structure of sites.
- We fixed an issue which was adding black bars to the top and bottom of profile cover photos when the height of the image uploaded by the member is not at least as large as the height specified in the "Image Settings" of the site.
We fixed an issue with the "Delete Members" bulk action in the Admin that was preventing it from deleting all of the selected members in some cases.
We fixed an issue which was causing the system to display "0" when a custom checkbox field was displayed on member profile pages.
We fixed an issue with the Admin Menu which was causing the system to display the Autosuggest Settings link when the Add-On was not activate on a site.
We fixed an issue which was causing the system to display the wrong member images on the "Members Chat" page in the Member Dashboard when the 2 parties to the conversation were a parent account and one of its sub accounts
- We updated the SPAM Form Protector Add-On to not apply to paid member sign ups as there are other checks already in place to prevent SPAM signups. We also improved the error message when a form submission is blocked by the Spam Form Protector on free signup forms in order to display more detailed information when and Administrator is viewing the site.
- We fixed an issue with the Bookmark Counter Add-On which was causing the system to not record the the correct number of clicks when a user clicks the Bookmark button multiple times in quick succession.
- We improved the logic of the Member Categories Import tool in order to support special characters and fix a bug with importing Top Level Categories.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the Origin Page URL field on the Lead Details page in the Member Dashboard to be formatted incorrectly in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to search for members by keyword in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the system to create members even when the signup process fails when Stripe is set as the Payment Gateway in some cases.
We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from displaying Transaction History data for individual members on the Member Account Details page in the Admin in some cases.
We fixed an issue when searching for posts by keyword when the "Post Keyword Search Option"s setting is set to "Search All Post Data" in some cases.
We fixed an issue which was causing the events calendar to not show events on the correct date due to a difference between the user's timezone and the timezone set for the site..
We fixed an issue which was preventing the Search Results URL of Membership Plans from resolving properly on sites running PHP 7.
We fixed an issue which was causing a conflict between the data entered for as a Static Page for a member search results page and the SEO Template created for the member search results page.
We fixed an issue with the One-Click Social Login Add-On which was causing required fields on the paid signup form to be bypassed if the social login modal is canceled.
We updated the Detect Visitor Location Add-On so that it will now prompt the user that the website would like to use their location after clicking on a new icon in the location search fields on a site instead of prompting them immediately once the website loads.
We updated the Price Slider field present in some post search modules in order to hide it when the Price Slider Min and Price Slider Max settings are both set it to "0" on the Edit Post Type page in the Admin. We also added support for Price Slider settings in cloned Post Types.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the SSL Add-On from installing completely when initiated from the Admin in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing members from being able to accept or delete reviews in the Member Dashboard area in some cases.
We fixed an issue with the Import Member Categories tool which was preventing the system from importing all of the category data correctly in some cases.
We fixed an issue which was preventing submitted member reviews from respecting the "Member Review Settings" in the Membership Plan settings in some cases.
We fixed an issue which was preventing the editing of category images on the Member Categories page in the Admin.
We updated the logic of the upload Profile Photo section of the Member Dashboard in order to remove an alert which was displayed after uploading an image when using the Mozilla Firefox browser.
We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from displaying the Admin Sidebar Menu when visiting the site as an Administrator in some cases.
We fixed an issue with the Admin Media Manager which was preventing images from being uploaded in some cases.
We fixed an issue that was preventing the Activity Tracker in the Admin from recording the ID of members that were deleted in bulk.
We added support for the %%%last_name%%% variable in the "recommendation-member" email template.
We fixed an issue with the Google Sitemap Generator Add-On which was causing it to generate incorrect links for member review pages.
We updated the description text for the Invoice Logo section of the Brand Images tab on the General Settings page of the Admin.
We updated the Property Sidebar Search widget in order to support cloned Post Types.
- We updated the logic of the Google Search Assist and the Detect Visitor Location Add-Ons in order to have their functionality disabled by default when added to a site. Their functionality can then be enabled through the settings which control these Add-Ons on the Design Settings page in the Admin.
- We updated the Event Sidebar Search widget in order to support cloned Event Post Types.
- We fixed an issue that was causing a conflict when a member search feature and and the Dynamic Category Filtering Add-On are both present on the same page.
- We updated the display of the homepage Streaming Widgets. They now use a more modern design and display in the popular 16:9 aspect ratio.
- We added some additional logic to the saving functionality in the Admin to prevent rare cases where the connection to the database is lost and data is saved as blank as a result.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the system to select more members than were currently showing as a search result when clicking on the "Select All Results" button on the Search Members page in the Admin in some cases.
- We updated the "Membership Plan" field option values when manually creating a new member from the Admin in order to remove the word "Member" and add the "Account Type" (free, paid, claim) instead.
In all, over 110 feature enhancements and software updates were released this month.