Changelog - October 2019



New Features: 

  • We added the ability to override the Member and Post Search Results Layout design setting by adding a request parameter in the URL of a search results page. Use the view=grid parameter to change the search results layout to grid view and view=map to change it to map view on the fly.

  • The "Save X% With This Option" messages when comparing different billing cycles on the Signup and Member Upgrade pages are now fully based on Text Labels.

  • We updated the UI when editing a photo album post in the member dashboard to make it clear which image will be used as the album cover for the post.

  • We updated the display of emails received through Email Templates to include a light gray background in order to modernize the appearance of the email. This new background will display for all email templates sent that include the website logo.

  • The text displayed in the "Pay Per Post" and "Sell Digital Downloads" Add-Ons billing workflows are now based fully on Text Labels.

  • We updated the Froala WYSIWYG used throughout the Front-End of sites to the latest version.

  • We released the "Admin Role Permissions" Add-On free for all websites. Click here for more information.

  • We added the ability to display a snippet of the "About" text for a member in the Recent and Featured Members homepage widgets. In order to use this new feature, navigate to the Admin >> Settings >> Design Settings >> Homepage Layout tab >> Homepage Section Order Options. 

  • We added the ability to set the Write a Member Review and Contact Member pages for each member as members-only. In order to use this new feature navigate to the Admin >> Content >> Edit Post Settings >> Edit Listing>> General Settings tab. 

  • We added the ability to apply Booststrap CSS classes to the titles of the pricing menu in order to match the title color with the Themes available in the Admin. Classes list availables: bd-primary,bd-info,bg-success,bg-danger,bg-warning,bg-default,bd-secondary. 

  • We added a new Banner Ad option to place an ad as the last slide in any photo gallery post details pages.  To use this new feature, navigate to the Admin >> Settings >> Design Settings >> Banner Ad Design tab >> Photo Albums Banner Ad. 

  • We added an "x" icon to search input fields.  Clicking on this icon will clear the content of the field.

  • We added support for affiliate tracking when a site is using an external payment gateway like PayPal Standard or 2Checkout.

  • We added the ability to order the profile overview tabs elements. To use this new feature, navigate to the Admin>> Finance >> Manage Products >> Edit >> Profile tab. 

  • We added the ability to enable and disable custom email templates in the Admin.

  • We added the ability to track member signups using the Activity Tracker in the Admin.

  • We created a new Recent Digital Products widget for the homepage. This widget will be available when the Sell Digital Downloads Add-On is activated on a Site.

  • The reviews a member has received can now be viewed on the Member Account Details page in the Admin.

  • We updated the layout of the General Settings tab on the Edit Post Settings page in the Admin.

  • We created a new Product setting to control whether changes made to a parent account will also impact its sub accounts as well. In order to use this new feature navigate to the Admin >> Finance >> Manage Products >> Edit >>Additional Settings tab >> Delete Sub Accounts on Master Deletion. 

Enhancements / Fixes:

  •  We updated the Website URL field type in the Form Manager to automatically trim blank spaces before and after a URL entered into a field of this type to prevent errors with the resulting link on profile pages.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the "Pay Now" button for invoices to not work properly on the Billing Details page in the Member Dashboard in some cases.

  • We updated the Statement Descriptor sent by Stripe to be the Website Name.

  • We updated the User Interface for authorizing a payment when Stripe is set as the payment gateway and the member making a payment is using a credit card that requires additional authorization for every transaction.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing Admins from collecting on past due invoices when Stripe is set as the Payment Gateway in some cases.

  • We fixed an issue with the override_post_location setting which was preventing location information from being saved for posts that do not have lat and lon values in the for used for its post type.

  • We added a "Members Only" badge on the "Edit Post Settings" and "Edit Web Pages" sections of the Admin to help identify the post types and wethat have been set as "Members Only".

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the success message from displaying properly for new member signups on sites using a payment gateway other than Stripe in some cases.

  • We updated the Newsletter Forms in order to display the correct text label if a site visitor enters an email address that already exists as a contact.

  • We fixed an issue with the "Pay Per Post" Add-On which was preventing the "Pay" button from redirecting the user to the payment page when the site did not have an SSL certificate installed.

  • We fixed a display issue which was causing the "Additional Settings" dropdown on Post Settings pages in the Admin to be misaligned after being clicked on certain screen sizes.

  • We removed the hreflang HTML tag from the "Bootstrap Theme - HEAD" widget.

  • We updated the "Highlight Member Result" Add-On to add some extra padding between the member image and the highlight border when a member search result is highlighted.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the "Sort by Z-A" option for Recent Top and Sub Category widget from working properly when the "Show Categories with Photos" setting was enabled as well.

  • We fixed an issue which was results that contained an apostrophe in the name from displaying in the Predictive Keyword Search dropdown of keyword search fields.

  • We fixed an issue with the Members Only Add-On which was preventing post details pages from being set as Members Only in some cases.

  • We fixed an issue with the Member Import feature which was preventing the "Name" column from being imported  correctly in some cases.

  • We deprecated the "Members Only" option on the General Settings page in the Admin as this is now enabled by updating the setting on individual website pages and the Post Settings pages in the Admin instead.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from marking invoices as paid even when the invoices have been paid successfully using 2Checkout as the payment gateway.

  • We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to use the "View Code" feature of the Froala WYSYWYG in the Edit Web Pages section of the Admin in some cases.

  • We updated the "Send Newsletter" page in the Admin to now show a notification when an email will not be sent to certain contacts on the list and the reason why.

  • The "form-control" class is now applied by default to all form fields displayed through the Form Manager to ensure custom form fields display properly on the frontend of all websites.

  • We fixed an issue which was some of the text in date picker fields from displaying properly when a site is using one of the Dark Themes available in the Admin.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing members from adding the country of Georgia as an additional location in some cases.

  • We updated the "Edit Post Settings" page in the Admin to display "N/A" in the "Form to Use" column when there is no form to select for a post type.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the "Select Form to Use" field to lose the selected value when toggling between tabs on the Edit Post Settings page in the Admin.

  • We updated the "URL Permalink" field validation on the Edit Post Settings page in the Admin in order to automatically trim blank spaces before and after the URL before saving.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the recent homepage widgets for "photo album" post types to change the album's cover image when the "Limit One Post per Member" setting is selected.

  • We updated the UK Clickable Map to give more accurate results based on the current responses returned by Google Maps.

  • We fixed an issue which preventing the system from processing signups when the member chooses "UK" as the country of their Billing Address when the site is using the Stripe payment gateway.

  • We fixed an issue with the "Sitemap Generator" Add-On which was preventing it from generating all of the individual sitemap files it should.

  • When a member edits a "photo album" post type in the member dashboard, if they have not added a photo to the album yet, instead of showing a broken image for the album, it will show text indicating that an image has not yet been added to the album. New text label: No_image_label.

  • We updated the "Sub + Sub-Sub" search module widget to make the display of placeholder text labels consistent throughout the site.

  • We updated the "Members-Only Content" Add-On in order to only show content to members logged into an account that has a status of "Active".  If the member's account is not "Active", the member will not be able to see the content protected by the "Members Only" Add-On.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing leads that were manually bulk-matched to members in the Admin to send an email template to the matched members with a non-functioning link to view the lead details.

  • We fixed an issue with the "Pay Invoice" button on the Billing Details page in the Member Dashboard area which was causing a PHP error in some cases.

  • We updated the error message that displays when a paid member signup fails and the site is using Stripe as the payment gateway.  The message will now include more details as to the nature of the payment error.

  • We updated the member upgrades pages in order to make all text labels consistent during the upgrade process.

  • We updated the Stripe payment gateway to also send the name of the member to the payment gateway when a transaction is processed.

  • We implemented an update in order to reduce the number of incomplete payment intents generated by the system when a site is using Stripe as Payment Gateway.

  • We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to save changes to the Advanced Settings in the Admin.

  • We added the ability to use the alignment feature of the Froala WYSYWYG with images and embedded videos when editing or creating a web page in the Admin.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the system to display an incorrect past due amount for members on the Search Members and Transaction History pages in the Admin.

  • We fixed an issue that was affecting the ability to display the Member Profile Image on the "My Favorites" page in the Member Dashboard.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the system from correctly geocoding members when the name of their location contained an apostrophe.

  • We updated the "delete invoice" functionality in order to also delete the records of the transactions related to the invoice from the database as well.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the "Recent Reviews" homepage widget to show duplicate results in some cases.

  • We updated the logic of the "Get Matched" form to ensure the location and category fields have been filled out properly before the form is submitted when these fields are set to be required in the Lead Settings in the Admin.

  • We fixed an issue which was preventing the Pay Per Post Add-On from allowing members to make a post after purchasing an additional post on sites using an external Payment Gateway like PayPal.

  • The text in the "Display Member Logo" widget on member profile pages is now a Text Label.

  • We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to display the newsletter stats after a newsletter has been sent in some cases.

  • We fixed an issue that was preventing access to edit some Text Labels on the Text Labels page in the Admin.

  • We updated the "Retrieve Password" functionality to not send an email when the member associated with that email is in a Claim Listing product.  Users will have to claim the listing to gain access to the account as intended rather than retrieve the password.

  • We deprecated the "Email View" page in the Admin as it was no longer being used.

  • We updated the form used on /checkout pages for paid products to require that a credit card number be entered in order to submit the form.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing system to not spend a "Pay Per Post Credit" when an Admin manually approved a post that was paid for using the Pay Per Post Add-On.

  • We fixed an issue with the og:url meta tag that was preventing the system from handling special characters properly in some cases.

  • When searching for a post by category, the selected category will now be pre-selected on the search results page.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing a member logo image to show on profile pages even when no logo image has been uploaded by a member in some cases.

  • We fixed an issue with the pagination of search results pages when the search location or keyword contains special characters.

  • We fixed an issue which was causing the system to return an incorrect URL after clicking on the "Fetch From SEO Template" link when editing a member's profile page URL from the Admin.

  • We fixed an issue which was affecting the ability to add Georgia as a country when using the Multi-Location Listings Add-On and the Primary Country set for the site is the United States.

  • We moved the Post Keyword Search Options, Pagination Display Options, Order Results By, Respect Membership Level Search Priority, Sidebar To Use, Sidebar Search Module and Custom Search Engine Widget Name to a new section called "Additional Settings" on the Search Results Design tab in the Post Edit Settings page in the Admin.

  • In all, over 110 feature enhancements and software updates were released this month.