Changelog - March 2019
New Features:
- The System will now reset the Google Recaptcha field automatically without refreshing page when a form submission fails. With this update, users will not have to refresh the page before attempting the submission again.
- The Auto-Recurring Event Add-On is now fully based on Text Labels. New Text labels: time_am_label, time_pm_label, swal_notice, photo_upload_max_images, photo_upload_no_image_uploaded, photo_album_created_message.
- We added the ability to set a limit on the number of Sub-Accounts each member can have on a per-product basis when a site has the Multi-Member Manager Add-On active.
- We released the Private Member Chat Add-On. Click here for more information.
- We added a Search Filter field to the Front-End Text-Label Editor.
- The Export Member Data Add-On will now optionally include the Paid Revenue, Past-Due and Refund information for each Member when members are exported.
- We created a new Search Filter field in the Manage Post page in the Admin Area in order to filter results based on the Status of the Post.
- We created a new Product Setting that hides or shows Banner Ads when a member is viewing their Member Dashboard. In order to use this new feature, navigate to the Admin >> Finance >> Manage Products >> Edit >> Additional Settings tab.
- The Billing Details page in the Member Dashboard section is now fully based on Text Labels.
- We added the ability to attempt collection on multiple Past-Due Invoices simultaneously from the Transaction History page in the Admin. In order to use this new feature, navigate to the Admin >> Finance >> Transaction History >> Past Due tab.
- We added an Alert Message to the Widget Manager page in the Admin when a member of our team temporarily disables the custom widgets on a site to troubleshoot an issue reported by the site's owner.
- We refactored the code of the Member Import page in the Admin Area in order to be able to support large CSV import files.
- We removed the Actions Dropdown for the Listing, Reviews, Specialties and Favorites features on the Edit Post Settings page in the Admin.
- We changed the name of the "Enable Insta-Load Search Results" option to "Pagination Display Options" on the Edit Post Settings Page in the Admin. Admins can now choose to use the Insta-Load Search Results Add-On, Standard Pagination or Hide the Pagination.
- We improved the logic of the Expanded Keyword Search Add-On in order to include custom data and show more accurate results.
- We updated the Text Label of the View All Button in the Recent Reviews widget.
- We updated the UI of the View All Button in the Recent Top Categories Widget.
- We released the Featured Members on Homepage Add-On. Click here for more information.
- We created a new Product Setting in order to disable signup pages for specific Products. Enabling this setting will prevent members from signing up for the Product. In order to use this new Feature navigates to the Admin >> Finance >> Manage Products >> Edit >> Pricing Tab.
- We deprecated the yellow warning messages at the top of Admin pages and created a new Website Conflicts section which contains these notifications. This new feature can be found in the top-right section of Admin pages.
- We added the ability for the Pay Per Post Add-On to set a Post Max Limit without charging a price for an additional post if desired. In order to use this new feature, navigate to the Admin >> Finance >> Manage Products >> Edit >> Post Publishing tab.
- We released the "Report This Page" Add-On. Click here for more information.
- We updated the "Bookmark My Favorites" Add-On to show the total number of times a page has been bookmarked next to the bookmark icon. In order to use this new feature navigates to the Admin >> Setting >> Design Setting >> Search Results section.
Enhancements / Fixes:
- We deprecated the "Get Email Updates" field when editing an Admin Account.
- We updated the Multi-Member Manager Add-On in order to prevent Sub-Accounts from creating other Sub-Accounts in all cases.
- We implemented a Security Update to escape HTML in the title tag (<title></title>) and in the "og:title" elements on all pages.
- We improved the "Enable Recurring Events" setting found on the Edit Post Settings page in the Admin, making sure the Add-On is always turned fully on or fully off through this setting.
- The Google Developer Key, Google Developer Client ID and the Facebook App ID fields are now required to be setup before the Google and Facebook login buttons will appear on signup and login pages when the One-Click Social Login Add-on is active.
- We fixed an error that was appearing when signing up as a new member is some cases.
- We deprecated an Advanced Setting which was no longer being used to enable the Easy Coupon Codes Add-On.
- We added extra logic to insure members can only upgrade to the Products specified in the Available Upgrade Options area on the Product Edit page in the Admin.
- New sites will now have a custom copy of the Login Page Links menu available on their sites by default.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the site's logo from appearing in PDF invoices generated by the Downloadable PDF Invoices Add-On.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing files with capitalized file extensions (EG: .JPG rather than .jpg) from being uploaded properly through the Media Manager.
- When a member signs up for a paid product but the payment fails, they will now receive an additional notification that they can login to their newly created account to update their credit card and complete the signup process.
- We updated some of the text of the Media Manager page in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the normal behavior of the Event End Date field when the Auto-Recurring Events Add-On is active on a site in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which causing the Export Member Data Add-On to generate improperly formatted files in some cases.
- We fixed an issue with the Form Styles field on the Edit Form Settings page in the Admin which was preventing the inputted styles from modifying the form properly.
- The show_dashboard_manage_listing Product Setting will now hide the Manage Listing menu items in the Account Sidebar Menu in the Member Dashboard Area.
- Images displayed in the Feature Blog Article Slider Add-On will now display at their original aspect ratio, centered on the page rather than stretched to fit the container.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the Member Login form from displaying an error message when incorrect login credentials were used.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing Posts from being marked as "Featured" using the Pin Featured Posts Add-On in some cases.
- We implemented an update to all forms to prevent the saving of extraneous data in the database when the form is submitted.
- We fixed an issue with the Member Export Data Add-On which was causing Member Export files to show duplicate information in some cases.
- The Date Picker, Category Dropdown, and Star Rating fields are now fully compatible with the "Required" Field Setting in the Form Manager.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the Profile Image uploader to change the file extension of uploaded images to .png in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the member signup process on checkout pages when the One-Click Social Login Add-On is enabled but the Facebook or Google credentials have not yet been setup.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the Member Profile Analytics Add-On from saving data properly in some cases.
- We implemented a set of small aesthetic changes to the Google Map Controls shown on maps on the frontend of websites to remove unnecessary options that limit the viewport of the map.
- The issue which was affecting the ability to accept/decline Member Reviews in the Admin using certain mobile devices has been fixed.
- We renamed some Banner Ad Titles on the Design Settings Page in the Admin Area in order to make the intended use of each banner ad field more clear.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the "About" WYSIWYG in the Member Dashboard to not respect the image alignment when the content was displayed on live profile pages.
- We removed some extra space which was showing on Feature Search Results pages when the Google Map Search Results Add-On is active on a Site.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing members from being able to click on the Main Menu icon when viewing the Chat Messages page on mobile devices.
- We added the ability to re-open a message thread after a thread has been reported and closed by a member.
- We improved the Member Search Results SQL logic in order to return more accurate results for keyword searches.
- We updated the Error Messages when an Admin User tries to manually collect payments from the Transaction History Page in the Admin.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing profile pages from reading the default version of a form when a corresponding custom form of the same name was disabled.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the Pagination on the Manage Post Page in the Admin from working properly.
- We removed the Actions Dropdown for the Listing, Reviews, Specialties and Favorites features on the Edit Post Settings page in the Admin.
- We improved the logic of the /locations page in order to show more accurate results for cities and countries.
- We fixed an issue with the naming convention of the member profile photos and logos created for social media sharing.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the last day of an Event from displaying on the Event Calendar in some cases.
- The "Not Active Account" box in the Member Dashboard and the "View My CV" Form Field are now fully compatible with the Front-End Edit Text Label feature.
- We updated the Google Maps API Usage Status Checker on the Admin dashboard in order show a more specific API status message for different API responses.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the Export Member Data Add-On to show an incorrect format for some data.
- We improved the Validation for the Parent ID field on the Quick Edit Form in the Admin Search Results page when the Multi-Member Manager Add-On is active on a Site. This validation will prevent infinite sub account loops and sub-sub accounts from being accidentally set.
- The "Full-Width Page" setting on the Edit Web Pages section of the Admin is now only available when the Page Type setting is set as "Single Web Page".
- We fixed an issue with members using 100% coupon off coupon codes in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was causing menus to show empty <li> HTML tags when the Menu does not have any content.
- We added logic to prevent any 2 members from having the same profile page URL in all cases.
- In all, over 90 feature enhancements and software updates were released this month.