Changelog - July 2018
New Features:
- We added the ability to set a unique image URL to be used for the logo on PDF invoices produced by the system through the billing_logo_url Advanced Setting. This is useful for sites that need to use a logo in PDF invoices that is different from the website's logo.
- Now the "Limit Reached" Modal of the Select Categories module on the Member Dashboard has fully based on text labels. New text label: swal_limit_reached.
- The Free Trial Add-On text that displays on checkout pages is now fully based on Text Labels.
- Now the text in the Credit Card fields used for the Stripe payment gateway is fully editable through Text labels.
- We added support for Special Characters in most of the URLs generated by the software. Now the system will automatically encode/decode the URLs of member profile pages, static pages, categories, features, and posts. Special Character support for location URLs will be released in an upcoming update.
- We updated the Gross Revenue figure on the Transaction History page to be a sum of all invoices with the status "Paid". Previously this figure was generated by summing all transactions processed on the site to date rather than the invoices, which Admins have more control over. Also, we added a total "Refund Payments" figure to the Transaction History page as well.
- We made an update to the Admin files to automatically deliver the entire Admin via HTTPS when the website has an SSL Certificate installed.
- Newsletter Form (Newsletter Footer and Newsletter Module) error messages are now based on text labels. New labels: unique_email_address,valid_email_error.
- We added the ability for an Admin to designate the URL they want the claim listing link on profile pages to link to on a per-Product basis. This allows a site to have multiple different Claim Listing Products for different types of users that require different product description pages. In order to use this new feature navigate to Admin >> Finance >> Products >> Edit >> Pricing Tab. This new feature require the purchased of the Claimable Business Listings Add-On.
- The Downloadable PDF Invoices Add-On has been released.
Enhancements / Fixes:
- We applied a UI update to show the "Past Due" status on the Member Dashboard when the member has a Past Due invoice and the auto_suspend_accounts advanced setting is set to 1.
- Now the two buttons at the bottom of the Login Form can be controlled through a menu. You can find the new menu with the name "Login Page Links" on the Menu Manager page in the Admin area.
- We updated the Post Categories field validation in order to support the "&" symbol.
- We removed the ability to Clone/Delete the homepage Static Page through the Admin area to makes sites more stables and avoid user error. We also removed the "Home" option from the "Page Type" dropdown when editing a static page and made this a protected Page Type only used for the site's homepage.
- We removed the additional "Purchase Lead" and "Accept Lead" buttons from the Lead Preview page in the Member Dashboard to de-clutter the design.
- We added additional variables to the Bootstrap Theme - Conversion Tracking Codes widget to allow for more integration options with affiliate tracking software and other conversion tracking tools.
- We updated the logic of the widgets that display Recent Posts on the homepage to exclude posts made by members whose Product Settings no longer allow them to make that type of post. This logic is already present in the search results pages of posts.
- We updated the "% saved" message on checkout pages when there are multiple billing cycle options to display whenever the savings is greater than or equal to a 5% discount off the price of the monthly billing cycle (previously it was only greater than 5%).
- The Admin Activity Tracking Add-On will now create a new record when a Site Admin saves a Form.
- The User Consent Tools installer in the General Settings section of the Admin Area will now install support for all additional forms not included in the original release of the User Consent Tools.
- We fixed the issue that was causing the Admin Dashboard to not load properly when the site did not have the most recent version of the Billing Module.
- We fixed an issue that was changing the Status of Members to Past Due when they had an Unpaid invoice that was not yet Past-Due.
- We fixed an issue that was preventing changes made to SEO Templates from being saved properly.
- We created an internal tool to update sites that were having issues saving special characters in filenames.
- The TinyMCE WYSIWYG has ben removed and deprecated from the Admin Area in favor of the Froala WYSIWYG which is now used throughout the platform.
- We fixed the issue which was changing the status of members who signed up for free Products to On Hold in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the editing of Product Settings when the admin_account_view Advanced Setting was set to "general".
- We fixed an issue that was preventing member keyword searches with special characters from returning the correct results.
- We fixed an issue which was preventing the success message from displaying properly when the Lead Form was submitted on sites that had the Detect Visitor Locations Add-On activated.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the Post Meta Details Sidebar widget to not display properly on the Details pages of Product posts.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the Phone Number button on Member Profile Pages to be hidden in some cases.
- We fixed an issue that was preventing the Subscriptions tab from displaying when viewing a member's Account Details page in the Admin area in some cases.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the Export Member Data Add-On to freeze in some cases.
- Now the Top, Sub and Sub-sub Category dropdowns in the lead match form will be sorted alphabetically by default.
- We fixed the issue which was preventing the display of values selected in custom Checkbox Fields added to forms.
- We deprecated the "Match Leads" link of the Actions box in the Search Members page on the Admin Area, as this was part of the legacy Lead system.
- We fixed an issue which was affecting the Invoice Tax customization applied to some sites when a Member purchases a lead.
- We fixed an issue which was causing the price of a lead to change during purchase for some currencies.
- In all, over 55 feature enhancements and software updates were released this month.