How To Add Members Manually Via The Admin
To add a member manually, navigate to My Members >> Search Members >> Click on "Add New Member":
When clicked, the system will display the Add New Member module:
To create a member, at least the first 4 required fields need to be filled:
If a member is created with only these 4 required fields, it will be displayed like this (with minimal information):
When a member is created, the system will display a success message and will prompt two options:
When clicked on Login As Member, the system will redirect the user to the member dashboard on the front-end with all the inputs available:
When clicked on Close Window instead, the system will redirect the user back to the Search Members admin area.
Important Notes:
- Location value for the member needs to be added via the member dashboard or by clicking on the Find Geocode option in the Search Members section. More information about how to Geocode a member can be found in this article --> How To Geocode Members
- Another option to create a member is to import the member via a CSV file. More information about this can be found in this article --> How To Import Members Via CSV File