Settings » General Settings » Search Settings
The Search Settings
This article explains the Search Settings in the General Settings Tab and all the settings within this tab.
Visual Guide of the Search Settings
Full visual list of the Search Settings Tab:
1. Default Member Search URL
By default, the Member Search Results pages use the URL "search_results". If needed, this URL can be easily modified with this setting.
2. Require Complete Profiles
This setting will hide from the search results in any member that hasn't completed the following information Name, Top-Level Category, Profile Photo, and Address: Require Complete Profiles - How To Hide Incomplete Profiles
3. Show Categories with No Members
This setting will either hide or display Categories that are empty. So if there are no members on that Category it can be hidden or displayed
4. Default Category Sort Order
Select the order in which the website's categories are displayed in the category search widgets, streaming widgets and the category static page.
5. Default Search & Lead Auto-Match Radius
When doing a radius-based location search (zip codes and cities by default), members within this distance from the center of the searched location will be returned as results. This radius is also used when lead auto-matching is enabled to identify members that fall within the auto-match parameters.
This article explains this setting more in detail: Bounds And Radius Location Searches
6. Strict Postal Code Match

Choose ENABLED to only include results within the searched Postal Code. Choose DISABLED to include areas outside the searched Postal Code but are still within the radius limit.
7. Strict City Match
Choose ENABLED to only include results within the searched City. Choose DISABLED to include areas outside the searched City but are still within the radius limit.
8. Strict Country & State Match
Choose ENABLED to only include results within a searched State/Province & Country. Choose DISABLED to include results outside the searched State/Province & Country but still within the search radius.
9. Category Keyword Searches
Choose the method to be used for the Search by Keywords. The Strict Match will only include members in a category that exactly matches the searched keyword, the Broad Match will include those results and additional related matches.
10. Google Search Assist
This option is available with the Google Search Assist Add-on.
By default this option is disabled, this displays only results from the directory. Enable this option to fill empty search result pages with Google search results.