Limit Posts Per Member
Allowing members to contribute content to the website provides them with valuable visibility. Reward paying members by allowing them to publish more posts than lower-tier members.
Limit Posts Per Member lets the admin set how many articles, albums, classifieds, properties, etc. a member can publish at one time.
How To Get This Add-On
- Websites with the VIP Add-Ons Club automatically have this add-on available:
Join The VIP Add-Ons Club- Purchase Individually: Limit Posts Per Member Add-On
Enabling the Add-On
1. Go to Finance - Membership Plans:
2. Select the membership level to modify:
3. Click on the Post Publishing tab to see all the available features.
Scroll down to the post type and limit the amount of posts they are allowed to publish:
Max Free Posts: Set to 0 for unlimited free posts
This limit is a lifetime Free Post limit or the member and does not reset. It remains fixed and does not refresh on any cycle - daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly.
When the free limit is reached, members can pay for the ability to publish new posts: Pay-Per-Post add-on
If the admin is editing the Members articles and it's set it to "1", the members listed in this membership will only be able to add 1 article for free. If they want to add a second article they need to pay for it.