Reviews With Photos



Users can leave reviews on the members’ profile pages by default. This add-on, however, expands this functionality by allowing users to upload up to 5 images when leaving a review.

This functionality is completely mobile-friendly as well. Users can upload images from their smartphones and tablets in addition to their computers.

How To Get This Add-On
  1. Websites with the VIP Add-Ons Club automatically have this add-on available:
    Join The VIP Add-Ons Club
  2. Purchase Individually: Reviews With Photos Add-On

Enabling the Add-On

Go to Finance - Membership Plans:

Select the membership level that this add-on will be activated for:

Next click on the Profile Page tab:

Scroll down until the Member Review Settings shows and allow/disable image uploads with reviews:

This will allow members to upload images when submitting a review for members:

This is how it will display on the member's profile:

Note: This feature will only work for logged in members, not for regular users.