Difference Between On-Site and Off-Site Payment Gateways

Link: https://support.brilliantdirectories.com/support/solutions/articles/12000082007

Brilliant Directories platform offers several integrated payment gateways including the most popular and globally accepted – PayPal, Stripe, 2Checkout, Authorize.NET, and more. To see the list of the payment gateways, please refer to the documentation down below:

Supported Payment Gateways

These gateways can be separated into two groups; On-Site Payment Gateways and Off-Site Payment Gateways.

Here is a list of the differences in functionality between On-Site and Off-Site Payment Gateways:

  • On-Site Gateways allow all transactions to be completed without leaving the website, while Off-Site Gateways require the user to be redirected to the payment gateway's website to complete transactions.
  • On-Site Gateways will automatically bill member credit cards for recurring subscriptions, while Off-Site Gateways require members to manually pay for each invoice.
  • On-site Gateways allow the Admin of a site to manually attempt to collect on invoices, while Off-Site Gateways do not allow for this functionality.
  • On-Site Gateways allow a member to store a credit card on file with the site, while Off-Site Gateways do not.

Here is a list of gateways that the Brilliant Directories platform offers:

On-Site Payment GatewaysOff-Site Payment Gateways



Authorize.net CIM

PayPal Express/Standard
BluePayVerifone formerly 2checkout
PayPal Payflow
Paypal Website Payments Pro
Stripe (Recommended)

To learn more about the recommended payment gateway Stripe and how it differs from PayPal Express/Standard, please refer to the article down below:

Stripe Or PayPal Express/Standard?