Advanced Post Moderation



By default the members have the option to publish and unpublish their posts on the website. The Advanced Post Moderation add-on allows the admin to decide how certain types of posts are published on the website.

Require a website admin to approve and publish member posts or allow members to publish and unpublish their own posts.

How To Get This Add-On
  1. Websites with the VIP Add-Ons Club automatically have this add-on available:
    Join The VIP Add-Ons Club
  2. Purchase Individually: Advanced Post Moderation Add-On

Enabling the Add-On

Go to My Content > Edit Post Settings > Edit the Post Type:

Inside the settings, expand the additional settings, the admin will see the Post Approval options:

It is also possible to moderate the posts per membership plan, the setting selected in the membership plan will have a higher hierarchy than the default rule set on the post type settings. 

In order to activate the setting in the membership plan, go to Finance >> Membership Plans >> Edit >> Move to the Post Publishing tab search the Post Type and choose the specific rule for the plan:

Manually Approve Content

To  manually publish content from any of the websites post types, follow the steps below:

  • Go to My Content 
  • Click on Manage Posts

Click on the top where the posts that need approval will show. This will redirect to the post to be approved:

Hover over Actions and click on "View Post" to review the content or edit the post before approving:

Once the admin viewed, edited or confirmed the user's content, hover over Actions and click on "Set to Published":

The admin now has the option to notify the member that created the post after they've approved the post:

The email template that will be used is


How to Edit Email Templates

Important Notes

  • Remember when moderating content, constantly check the member's content and update it. Anything that requires to be moderated before publishing will remain as a draft until approved for publishing.

  • If the Pay-Per-Post add-on is active on the website, the admin will have the option to override the limit. If the post or posts that are about to be approved go over the member limit, a warning will display to inform the admin about this: